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Tom Winnifrith: will you join me at what really will be the final Sharestock?

By Tom Winnifrith | Tuesday 3 December 2024

Disclosure: I own shares in one or more of the stocks mentioned. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from ShareProphets). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

At the risk of sounding like Mick Jagger saying that this really will be his final tour, after a quarter of a Century putting on events for investors I really do plan to call it a day after one last show: Sharestock 2025!

If you have been to a Sharestock before you know how entertaining and informative the day will be. But it’s a bit tiring and my health, though better than it was at the last Sharestock, is still an issue. So I plan to go out with a bang and I hope that you join me

The 2025 event is on Saturday 6 September and will be the biggest to date and, I promise you, the most fun investment show you will ever enjoy. There will be around 100 folks on the lawn here at Deeside Farm, half way between Chester and Wrexham, so why not book and come along HERE?

A reminder:

The speakers are amazing including Jim Mellon (Britain’s Buffett), bear raiders Evil Banksta and Lucian Miers, oil guru Pete Brailey, AI guru Brian Kinane and CEO’s including Cathal Friel of European Green Transition and Eldur Olafsson of Amaroq, my biggest gold holding. I will do a valedictory talk and there are another five speakers to announce over the coming months. You will not be disappointed!

There is the Welsh choir and salmon dinner with home-made ice cream at the end after a lunch from Chef Vijay and a tea of Bara Brith made by myself and Joshua. The booze flows all day until late into the night.

There is salmon fishing on the Dee if you are interested and Joshua’s croquet contest. Above all there is a chance to chat to other attendees but also to all the big-name speakers throughout the day over beer or glass of wine. .

Sharestock is unique. This is the last one so why not come along on September 6?

You can book HERE.

Best wishes

Tom Winnifrith
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