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Tandem – 2024 “in line with market expectations” and “sales for 2025 have started well”, but how creditable are those?…

Sports, leisure and mobility equipment group Tandem (TND) has announced its results for the 2024 calendar year headlined “11% growth in revenues and performance in line with market expectations” and including that it is “pleased to report that sales for 2025 have started well”. How creditable though are those from its valuation from a 172.5p share price?
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Tom Winnifrith Bearcast No 2: Stifel joins the bears at Oxford Nanopore but its valuation is still generous and bloody colonials

I start with some justified abuse of our favourite Canadian, then its Oxford Nanopore (ONT), Celadon (CER), Wishbone Gold (WSBN), Wildcat (WCAT), comedy from Jerry Keen and Predator (PRD) and Wellnex (WNX), an IPO from the land where 1/3 of the population have the criminal gene, which should be avoided like the plague.
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EnSilica – “Agrees a Multimillion Pound Contract” announcement, attempted ramptastic?…

Describing itself as “a leading chip maker of mixed-signal Application Specific Integrated Circuits”, EnSilica (ENSI) has issued an “Agrees a Multimillion Pound Contract” announcement. What of the shares still being down from around 60p a year ago to below 40p and only slightly up on the contract announcement?
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Looking for a new job: Dominic Frisby has a new song for you

If you are seeking a new job my pal Frisby has a video just for you. Enjoy...
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Tom Winnifrith Bearcast No1: reviewing my gold portfolio, a mixed bag but I am very much ahead

Like Nigel yesterday I accept my portfolio is a mixed bag. But with the least important gold stocks doing the worst and the largest holdings doing the best I am well ahead overall. In this podcast I discuss: Amaroq (AMRQ), Ariana (AAU), Bluebird Mining Ventures (BMN), Anglo Gold Ashanti (US:AU), red Rock Resources (RRR), Wishbone (WSBN) and Golden Prospect Precious Metals (GPM). I state the bleeding obvious about a company I no longer write about but where I own shares, for the CEOs of Ariana and Amaroq I suggest corporate actions to drive a re-rate.. 
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Skinbiotherapeutics – just wondering about those interims?

Last year, Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) announced on 8 March that its interim results, to December 31, would be out on 22 March and they duly arrived on that day. To be fair to the bearded Geordie poltroon, Stuart Ashman, he has historically been jolly good about issuing an RNS to flag up when results will be out and past performance is, whatever the FCA says, very often a good guide to the future. But…
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Windar Photonics – “pleased to update the market” = missing 2024 revenue expectations range in an update nearly three months after the year-end!

Wind turbines LiDAR-assisted monitoring and optimisation technology company Windar Photonics (WPHO) has issued a “Trading Update and First Discreet Software Order” announcement commencing that it “is pleased to update the market on its expectations for the year to 31 December 2024 and current trading”. Hmmm – firstly it’s now getting towards the end of March 2025, and I note the shares are down from a start of 2025 above 60p to a most recent close 42p. So how ‘pleasing’ really is this update?

Video: This is a Run to Gold over Bonds, breaking $3,000 really does matter

Analyst at bullion dealer SDBullion, James Anderson kicks off with gold at $3,000 per ounce but he sees further gains to come.
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Tom Winnifrith podcast with Nick Lee of Mindflair, is NAV really twice the market cap?

I reckon that it is but does that mean the shares will go up? I discuss how this plays out with Nick Lee who is due to be enjoying a 15 minute grilling by myself at Sharestock on September 6, you can book your seats HERE
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Predator: weasel words mean you can bet the ranch that it will place again this year

Deranged chairman Paul Griffiths and disgraced PR Tim “dirty tricks” Thompson have crafted an update whose weasel words make it abundantly clear that Predator Oil & Gas (PRD) will be passing the hat around again sooner rather than later. Those still holding the shares better lube up as they will be shafted big time with the next hugely discounted placing.
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GOTCHA: Celadon to delist from the AIM sewer, all directors bar CEO to quit

It is once again ouzo on cornflakes time at the Sheriff of AIM Towers for a battle that started two years ago when Celadon (CEL) shares were 125p us now all over bar the shouting. It’s time for one PR supremo to congratulate me on two years of most excellent journalism. The shares are now 11p but will fall steadily as folks wake up to the horror that awaits.
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My Gold Holdings – A Mixed Bag For Now

In the wake of the takeover of Centamin I split the money between fellow Goldies Pan African Resources (PAF), Kefi (KEFI), Amaroq (AMRQ) and topped up Ariana (AAU) and Golden Prospect (GPM). So how are they all doing?
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Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Rachel needs to chat to Brian Kinane ASAP, do you have questions for Nick Lee?

I start with a rugger triumph for Jaya, then the Spring statement, AI and which jobs will go, a lot in the public sector, I suggest, and mine as well. Finally do you have any questions for Nick Lee and news from my garden.
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EXPOSE: Nuburu and the Prospectus fraudster Dominic White shell company fronting its $125 million acquisitions

We already suspected that prospectus fraudster Dominic White was involved behind the scenes in the proposed Nuburu (US:BURU) acquisitions due to the reference to Trumar Capital LLC in Nuburu’s announcement of 19 February 2025. The announcement unusually provided only the following limited details about the proposed targets:

Visual Aid: The World’s Fastest Growing Economies in 2025

Which economies are set to grow the fastest? Using the latest IMF projections, this infographic ranks the fastest growing economies in 2025, highlighting Africa and Asia as the top regions.

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The View From The Montana Log-Cabin As Gold Reaches Another Record High, Holds $3,000

Gold closed the week at $3,023 – a record weekly high - having put in another all-time high at $3,047 and up on last week’s $2,985. The miners had an even better week, if a little spoilt by a small late-week wobble, as can be seen on the chart (courtesy of ADVFN) of Gold against the mining ETFs GDX (majors), GDXJ (juniors) and GOEX (explorers).
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The ShareProphets Sunday Pub Quiz #286

It's time for the ShareProphets Sunday Pub Quiz. There are no prizes!  Remember, no Googling!

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Sunday Long Reads: Scottish Magnet Fishing, Mexico City Water, Detained Canadian, Congresswoman with Dementia, Endangered Wolves

Sunday is a good time to sit back, read, and forget about shares. Put the kettle on, find a comfy chair. You have the time, don't you?

Notes from Underground – Most read articles for the week ending March 22

And yet again, Nigel Somerville is the most read non-Tom article, at number 1 or number 2 including Bearcasts for The View From The Montana Log-Cabin As Gold Breaches $3,000 – Time For A Victory Lap? No it is $3,500 next.

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H&T Group – 2024 results, value and income Buy

The UK’s largest pawnbroker and a jewellery and watches retailer H&T Group (HAT) has announced its results for the 2024 calendar year and that “as expected, the pledge book has grown slightly since year end to c.£128m which underpins future growth”. Is such growth discounted in a current still below 400p share price?
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