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Will Panorama credit the folk who exposed Neil Woodford on Monday: here are our top 50 exposes since 2015

Published 1943 days ago

I see that Roger Lawson of ShareSoc is today praising the FT's coverage of Neil Woodford. How sad and predictable that the establishment engages in mutual masturbation rathing than seeking the truth. The FT is the paper that publisshed a blow job interview with Woodford as recently as April 2019. Of course Roger is not mentioning our work in his little read blog posts or praising the folks who called this one out with more than 1000 articles and podcasts since 2015. But I hope that the BBC does recognise who was Woodford's nemesis on Monday. In case it has forgotten here are our 50 most read articles on the ex fund manager

Corrupt & twisted Journalism from Lucy Burton as disgraced and bent fund manager Neil Woodford announces comeback with more lies

Published 1462 days ago

Lucy Burton of the Sunday Telegraph will this morning be celebrating her scoop of the year. It may win her prizes such is the corruption of modern journalism. In a faustian deal she gets to break the news that disgraced and crooked fund manager Neil Woodford is planning a comeback. In return she publishes a blow off interview in which Woodford paints himself as the victim of what happened, tells blatent lies and those lies go unchallenged. This is not journalism it is revolting PR ands Ms Burton should be drummed out of the industry. She won’t. She will be praised and promoted. And the deadwood press wonders why it is ever less trusted and its reader numbers slide?

Hargreaves Lansdown gives Neil Woodford another Blow Job as its clients lose even more money

Published 2230 days ago

As this morning’s shock revelations about Neil Woodford’s greed and reward for abject failure start to sink in, I imagine that many investors in his funds will be feeling a deep sense of disgust and regret. Perhaps they will blame those who advised them to invest and who, as the performance has gone from bad to worse, to even worse, have told them to hang on or average down.  Perhaps the biggest cheerleader has been Hargreaves Lansdown which has just published another blow job type piece on Woodford.

The fifty most-read articles and fifty most-listened-to Bearcasts of 2019

Published 1872 days ago

This is quite possibly the most successful year for ShareProphets sccops and stories. Julie Meyer, Neil Woodford, those wacky wonderkids at Burford—didn't we all have a fun year? Here are the stories and Bearcasts that moved your fellow ShareProphets members. Of course some folks think it is not worth £5.99 to catch all these market moving articles and exposes...

Has Neil Woodford finally lost the plot completely? Blow up FT Interview suggests he has

Published 2165 days ago

I see that Neil Woodford has had an interview published in the FT in which he lambasts critics determined to destroy his reputation, misinformation, lazy commentary, fake news, fake analysis which “pisses me off” and vents his frustration at the poor investment decisions of investors selling up.

Notes from Underground - Top 20: It's Woodford all the way down

Published 2078 days ago

So, did my plan to zoom this column to the Top of the Pops by putting in a pandering Bitcoin infographic work? No, it did not.

Neil Woodford's Twelve Days of Christmas

Published 2244 days ago

If you enjoyed Neil Woodford's Christmas carol HERE and HERE and HERE we have a bonus for you. I guess the tune is familiar...

ShareProphets Translation Service: Hargreaves Lansdown – still backing Neil Woodford

Published 2113 days ago

As discussed by Citywire, Hargreaves Lansdown’s clients have been voting with their feet on Neil Woodford, despite HL maintaining Woodford’s favoured status as part of its Wealth 50 and buying more for its own house funds. In fact, Citywire goes on to report that HL now holds so much Woodford Equity Income between its house funds and client accounts it is classed as a related party. On Thursday HL produced another Woodford-supportive note and the ShareProphets Translation Service gives its view (original in bold).

Does Neil Woodford really deserve a halo - is Circassia the biggest dog in his funds?

Published 2739 days ago

If you read the bent, freebie is our middle name, personal financie columnists in the deadwood press, fund manager Neil Woodford walks on water. I disagree and have noted before, that, maybe, after three dismal years, others are starting to see the light.  But, with assistance from a leading broker, how about we have a real look at the Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT) but also at the sort of dogs Neil ifalls in love with.

BCA Marketplace – a tale of all that is wrong with capitalism & yes Neil Woodford is involved

Published 1976 days ago

This story is about grubby nepotism, egregious compensation schemes, and aggressive business strategies, with an old-fashioned, car auction house at its heart.  It threads together the microeconomics of executive incentives with the macroeconomics of the credit cycle.

Neil Woodford Redemptions Watch: One step for a small's all over bar the shouting

Published 1950 days ago

And so Link, the Authorised Corporate Director of Woodford Equity Income (WEIF) – Neil Woodford’s flagship fund and the main source of income for Woodford Investment Management – has announced that Woodford has been sacked as fund manager, and that rather than be un-gated come December the fund is being wound down. In other words it is in full redemption mode. It will be interesting to see how much of the £3.025 billion it was supposedly worth at yesterday’s close will survive the fire sale which surely follows. But what of the other two Woodford funds, Income Focus and Woodford Patient Capital (WPCT)?

What now as Woodford Equity Income Fund suspends trading? Shimples: carnage - China Syndrome time

Published 2084 days ago

Well shock, horror, probe! As predicted on ShareProphets for months, Neil Woodford’s Equity Income Fund has had to suspend dealing in its units with immediate effect, until further notice, to allow time to reposition the element of the fund’s portfolio invested in unquoted and less liquid stocks, in to more liquid investments. You can’t say you were not warned here on ShareProphets – and whilst it may be Ouzo time here for Tom Winnifrith and me, spare a thought for Cynical Bear who unpicked so much (and now has to get his dancing shoes out!) So what now?

EXCLUSIVE: Shocking Analyst Report Woodford Patient Capital Trust Essentially Worthless

Published 1950 days ago

Neil Woodford has been fired from his flagship Equity Income Fund today, vindicating our more than 1000 articles and podcasts exposing him since 2015,  but his problems do not end there. I recently commissioned a resting fund manager to produce a detailed bottom up analysis of Neil Woodford’s Patient Capital Trust (WPCT). That report  from a man known as “The Badger” landed with me last night and is shocking in its conclusion: the Trust is essentially worthless. The Badger writes:

BREAKING: Accounts for Woodford Investment Management Out Part 1 - Did Neil Woodford tell the Telegraph Porky Pies?

Published 1399 days ago

In his soft interview with Lucy Barton of The Daily Telegraph on 13 February of this year, we are told that Neil Woodford claimed: From the moment of the fund suspension Craig [Newman, his sidekick] and I received absolutely no income, or dividends or any remuneration from Woodford Investment Management, none, and indeed haven’t received any for the best part of two years. The accounts of Woodford Investment Management for the year to March 2020 are now out (two and a half weeks late). So was the disgraced fund manager telling a whopping lie? What do you think?

Woodford – did the FCA or the bank prevent him from fully standing his corner with Kier?

Published 2246 days ago

A spot of maths and it seems that we were all wrong! In the prospectus for the rights issue by Kier Group (KIE) we were told that Neil Woodford was sitting on 13,797,000 shares, or 14.13%. We were also told that if he took up his rights in full he would hold 22,903,020 shares, or 14.13%. We know that Woodford piled in for more shares after the rights offer was announced. So what did he end up with?

Neil Woodford’s Three Part Christmas Carol: Chapter One

Published 2247 days ago

‘Twas the night before Christmas and the man who liked to be known as Britain’s Buffett paced up and down his bedroom, deep in thought. Attending the local carol service at the Church nearest his Country Estate, Neil Woodford felt that he had so much in common with the wise men but like the Shepherds he was this evening of a troubled mind.

Captain and Corporal Hindsight - reflections on Neil Woodford

Published 1457 days ago

As ShareSoc attempts to push more folks mugged by Neil Woodford into backing a legal claim not yet launched by a firm that made its name suing the British Army over false allegations of brutality in Iraq, a claim that will not be launched for many months if at all, rather than one launching within weeks HERE, it is hosting an event “Neil Woodford, Reflections, Redress & Reform. Its star speaker on Reflections is not one of the three journalists who exposed Woodford with more than 1000 articles from 2015 onwards. Nope it is Captain Hindsight. His colleague, Corporal Hindsight is not attending.

EXPLOSIVE: Has Hargreaves Lansdown been telling investors to buy Neil Woodford’s Equity Income Fund when it was selling?

Published 2078 days ago

I said the debacle involving the gating of Neil Woodford’s Equity Income Fund was going to get messy and it gives me no pleasure at all to write this article because I am myself a client of Hargreaves Lansdown (HL.). But the question has to be asked: has Hargreaves been selling Woodford’s Equity Income Fund whilst at the same time advising clients to buy it.

Neil Woodford’s Equity Income Fund - £235 million compensation but surely the real villains should hand over £100 million more

Published 667 days ago

The FCA yesterday announced that subject to investors in Neil Woodford’s Equity Income Fund agreeing and to ACD Link making planned disposals then in due course punters would be receiving £235 million in compensation. That will claw back some of the losses folks suffered and I am sure that investors will welcome the news and support the package. But, the real villains are still sitting on £100 million of ill gotten gains.

Redemptions Watch: disaster strikes Neil Woodford (yet again) as Neil fails to do his homework - he should have listened to me!

Published 2018 days ago

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. So the Muddy Waters report was indeed about AIM-listed Burford Capital which duly crashed by 46% yesterday, to add to the 19% drop on Tuesday, and Neil Woodford’s second biggest stock pick is…er….no longer his second biggest investment. I rather doubt it is in his top ten now. The press, as predicted, has been baying for blood and the queues of gated Woodford Equity Income Fund investors looking to get their money back before any more of it just disappears into thin air will be lengthening. So let’s take a look at the effect of the Burford collapse on the Woodford empire.

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