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Notes from Underground – Most read articles for the week ending 4 November

By Darren Atwater | Sunday 5 November 2023


Here are the most read and most listened-to articles and Bearcasts on ShareProphets over the past seven days. The most read non-Quiz, non-Tom article last week is by Malcolm Stacey, Obesity and Diabetes: Two Growing Problems this Profitable Pioneer is Helping to Beat at No 2 or No 5 including Bearcasts.

The most read ShareProphets stories this week were:

  1. Upland resources – the board doth protest too much about the fraudulent non-bid
    Having ‘fessed after hours on Friday that the supposed 14p per share, £167 million, bid was a total scam, Upland Resources (UPL) has tried to reassure investors with another statement today. I am afraid it simply does not wash and when the company runs out of money early next year, the FCA, will – as explained here – block its attempts to raise fresh funds via a prospectus and I expect it to go bust.

  2. Obesity and Diabetes: Two Growing Problems this Profitable Pioneer is Helping to Beat
    Hello Share Twiddlers. Medical pioneering is a laudable investment these days. And with hospital science coming on leaps and bounds, it could also be a profitable one. One company worth a look is Novo Nordisk (0TDD). This is an outfit that tackles the growing problem of obesity. You only have to look around to see how serious that particular situation is.

  3. The ShareProphets Sunday Pub Quiz #212
    It's time for the ShareProphets Sunday Pub Quiz.. There are no prizes! And remember, no Googling!

  4. BREAKING: Eurasia Mining and the Winding up petition
    I am sure that there is a perfectly innocent explanation for all of this but law firm Gowlings appears to have launched a winding up petition against Eurasia Mining (EUA) more than a week ago.

  5. Upland Resources and those pesky accounts!
    A lot of shareholders appear to be questioning whether Upland Resources (UPL) needs to produce accounts, given that Upland has changed its accounting year-end. UPL announced the change in its year-end in an RNS on 3 July: “The next audited accounts will be prepared for the 18 months ending 31 December 2023.”

  6. #GoWokeGoBroke and the Christmas Adverts – M&S fucks it up first
    The Christmas advert season has started and the competition is on to find out which retailer can win the Sharon White award for pissing off your core customers with the most offensively woke offering. An early leader is Marks & Spencer which released to a tease, an out-take, showing red, white and green Christmas hats being thrown in the fire. This has now been withdrawn following a backlash. From Christians? Don’t be so silly old son!

  7. StreaksAI – instead of talking about providing “romantic or platonic” services with AI chatbots!, how about providing a balance sheet update?!
    Describing itself as “a UK-based generative AI platform” company StreaksAI (STK) “is pleased to announce the launch of 'Streaks Companion'”. What of this announcement with the shares currently a few percent lower in response at 1.125p?

  8. Various Eateries – “continued to prioritise revenue and customer retention”… but that doesn’t necessarily help paying all the bills!
    Previously writing on “all day club, restaurant and hotel sites in the United Kingdom” company Various Eateries (VARE), in September with the shares down to 31.5p I suggested they still a trading and financials pressures avoid/sell. What then of they now at 28p following a trading update announcement?

  9. My share tips of the year 2023 – as the last 2 months of the year approach update...
    In December I offered up two share tips of the year for 2023. Now as the last two months of the year approach, how do they look?

The most-listened to Bearcasts this week were:

  1. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Nightmare on Kefi Street or is it just Halloween
    I have just received an email in response to this article HERE. It is headed "Israeli Fascists" and ends "You are a vile and ignorant man. I've had enough of you. And before you accuse me of being a 'Jew hater',, two of my oldest long-standing friends are Jewish". I guess that is another customer lost, another idiot who thinks losing £6.99 will make me shut up. I do not mention Israel in the podcast but discuss Caracal Gold (GCAT), Suuply@ME Capital (SYME) and Technology Minerals (TM1) and the two critical differences between the Standard list and the AIM sewer. Then to the utterly dishonest release today from Hydrogen Utopia (HUI), a £24 million slam dunk sell. Oh, and I do discuss Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI).

  2. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Upland and Kefi
    In this podcast I deal with Upland Resources (UPL) - target sub 2p on Monday, 0p in the end - and Kefi Gold & Copper ( KEFI) - target way above current levels - looking at calls for share suspensions, false attacks on bears, the role of the FCA and panicked investors.

  3. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The UK listed company linked to Lyin' Chris Cleverly the fraudster of Tingo infamyIn today's podcast I discuss Upland Resources (UPL), Technology Minerals (TM1), Valereum Blockchain (VLRM), Versarien (VRS), Nightcap (NGHT) and why I am not super excited about the oil price.

  4. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: another DOS attack, who hates what I have written and exposed now?
    Is it some Hamas loving lecturer at Lancaster University or backers of Upland Resources (UPL)? Who knows? Anyhow we fight on. In the podcast I discuss Upland, Equals (EQLS), Caracal Gold (GCAT) and ASOS (ASC).

  5. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: It's beer & popcorn time c/o Doc Holliday, Eurasia Mining and Gerry "the arse" BrandonI start with NatWest (NWG) and another part of the bonkers legacy of disgraced trougher Alison Rose then I look at Eurasia Mining (EUA), NightCap (NGHT), More Acquisitions (TMOR), Cellular Goods (CBX), Microsaic (MSYS) - another kill for the Sheriff - and finally I have a long look at Invinity (IES) which is, I think, a compelling short.

  6. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Cripes it is almost 2024, can you hear the bubbling in the background?That noise is two Christmas puddings which I am steaming. It being almost 2024 is relevant to shares as I discuss. I look at Genflow Biosciences (GENF) - target 0p - MGC Pharmaceuticals (MXC) - target 0p, Versarien (VRS) - target 0.1p first stop after a placing before Advent at that level, then 0p next year - Deepverge (DVRG) - target 0p - Global Petroleum (GBP) - target 0p - and Trainline(TRN) - target more than 0p but lower than today's 288p. 

  7. TomWinnifrith Bearcast: Eurasia 'fesses to the winding up order but that is not why I think its going to zeroIn today's podcast I rush a little as I prepare for a Bonfire Night party. I start with Eurasia Mining (EUA) then its onto crypto, Sam Bankman Fried and will the market still be a wild west.
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