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Notes from Underground – Most read articles for the week ending Jan 11

By Darren Atwater | Sunday 12 January 2025


Yet again, Nigel Somerville is the most read non-Tom article, at number 1 or number 2 including Bearcasts for The View From The Montana Log-Cabin As Gold Shows Signs Of Life 

The most-read ShareProphets articles this week were:

  1. The View From The Montana Log-Cabin As Gold Shows Signs Of Life
    Gold closed the week at $2,639 – up on last week’s $2,620 but still in nomansland as far as encouraging bulls or bears is concerned. But it was up and Gold stocks were sharply up as the week closed, as can be seen on the chart below of Gold against the mining ETFs GDX (majors), GDXJ (juniors) and GOEX (explorers). Signs of life, then.

  2. Dr Graham Cooley joins Gelion, is that really such a catch?
    I cannot see any reason to own shares in Gelion (GELN) but perhaps I am missing something? Feel free to enlighten me. Today it has announced the appointment of Dr Graham Cooley as NED boasting that “Dr Graham Cooley brings a wealth of relevant experience and knowledge to the Gelion Board through his background in the power, energy storage and hydrogen sectors over more than 35 years.” Hmmm.

  3. MyCelx Technologies – “pleased to provide… Year-end Update”. Er, what’s financially ‘pleasing’ then?!
    Describing itself as a “clean water and clean air technology company founded to transform the environmental impact of industry”, MyCelx Technologies (MYX) has issued a “Year-end Update” it states that it is “pleased to provide”. The shares have currently responded slightly higher to 37p, so what of this and still this price comparing to above 60p at the start of 2024?

  4. Kefi Gold & Copper – update ahead of “discussions at the Future Minerals Forum” in Riyadh, share price catalysts news flow soon!
    Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) has announced an updated presentation “to facilitate discussions” at the Future Minerals Forum in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia during next week and, with we recently noting potential catalysts news flow “over the coming weeks”, further good news?

  5. Caffe Nero literally steals from me as the mice run across its floors
    Living in the grim North means that catching an early morning flight from Heathrow is a bit of a bugger. The last train from Crewe got me to Terminal 5 at about midnight. Then I must wait almost five hours to get rid of my large bag and head through security. Thus, I find myself killing time at the only food and drink outlet open all hours, Caffe Nero. I start with the mice.

  6. Zak Mir: the pot calls the kettle black!
    I bet that his ghastly and rather dim sister thinks this is a racist headline and another unwarranted attack on that upstanding journalist brown envelope man, rather than an idiom. But as the screenshot below shows it is harsh but fair.

  7. Greggs – “Q4 Trading Update”, it still sensible to prefer products from its broadening menu than its (currently falling) shares?
    Emphasising its “value-for-money… freshly-prepared food and drink position”, Greggs (GRG) has issued a “Q4 Trading Update” headlined “GOOD PROGRESS AND RECORD £2 BILLION SALES”. However why has that use of ‘Caps Lock’ not prevented the shares currently being over 9% lower to below 2400p?

  8. Global Petroleum discount placing shows that CEO Omar Ahmad is a lying bastard
    I have flagged up the ramping of Omar Ahmad the CEO of Global Petroleum (GBP) before but today as its shares have slumped by 24% to just 0.22p after raising £1.5 million at 0.225p and admitting that there is no farm out deal agreed in Namibia, I ask you to consider Omar's comments below. I think he is a lying bastard. What do you think?

  9. 4 scholars and gentlemen odd one out competition
    Before the ghastly sister of one of the four gents below starts squawking the correct answer has nothing to do with ethnicity. The simple question is which of the four fine upstanding individuals who have all featured regularly on this website is the odd one out and why? Answers in the comments section below.

  10. Georgina Energy: I am sure there is a perfectly innocent explanation.
    Well actually, given the track record of the scallywags in charge as fully documented on this website, I would not bet the ranch on that. I am just a bit confused by statements made by this technically insolvent company.

The most listened-to Bearcasts this week were:

  1. Tom Winnifrith bearcast: the most overvalued share in London jumps 100%, where is the FCA?
    I start with Sammy the snowman, pictures later. the it is on to Optibiotix (OPTI), Tiger Royalties (TIR), Cirata (CRYA) and Sealand Capital Galaxy (SCGL).

  2. Tom Winnifrith bearcast: on Kefi, lying, snow in Wales and olive oil in Greece and Essex
    The bearcast covers everything in the title. Normal service tomorrow, Tuesday is a travel day.

  3. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: total corporate wankspeak from Cirata
    I start with more nightmares in Norway as I tackle the snake tree here in Greece. Themn some macro thoughts, Optibiotix (OPTI) and Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) and finally Cirata (CRTA)

  4. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Donald Trump is NOT going to invade Greenland, I stay long and strong Amaroq
    I start with logistical nightmare affecting The Mrs and Joshua in Oslo  nd me in Greece and a report on day 1 of the olive harvest. Then it is Amaroq (AMRQ), bullshit from Pennpetro (PPP), Victoria (VCP), TBG Holdings (RBG) and the Ian Rosenblatt apparent scandal,, and HemoGenyx (HEMO).

  5. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Apparently ALL restaurants at Heathrow T5 are infested with mice, eat there at your peril
    I start with my discussions with Hillingdon Council about mice at Heathrow Terminal 5. Put it this way, eat there at your peril. Then two companies that are technically insolvent, Technology Minerals (TM1) and Argo Blockchain (ARB)

  6. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: heading to the murderers taverna, praising Steve Moore and Nigel Wray after Alliance Pharma bid
    Actually the murderer has been fired by his cousin, I am starting updates on the Greek Hovel olive harvest on my own website as you can see HERE. We battle on. Then the lessons of the Alliance Pharma (APH) bid, Sealand Capital (SCGL) and Georgina Energy (GEX) 

  7. Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast part 1: Wandisco and Intelliam, the Dave Richards MBE scandal
    In part 2 I shall look at where Wandisco (WAND) now Cirata (CRTA) is today. In this part I look at the lessons patently not learned from this $1 billion Unicorn fraud and at Richard's new listed company, IntelliAM (INT).

  8. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: my last day as a 56 year old
    In start with what I shall do tomorrow and end n what is happening in Greece. In between why Nigel might be right about gold but short term wrong on gold stocks. Not that I am selling. I discuss house prices and housebuilding shares and the Miton microcap closure and what it means for small caps. I ponder, in that vein, the share price of Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX)

  9. Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast Part 2 - Cirata going forwardI covered the grim backstory of Cirata (CRTA), Wandisco (WAND), the $1 billion fraud, in part 1, now for where things stand with the shares at just 22p. Is it time to bottom fish? I explain why it is not..
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