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Julie Meyer MBE spams her non GDPR compliant list with more blatant lies -when will this fraudster be stopped?

By Tom Winnifrith | Monday 25 June 2018


Wanted by the police in Malta on criminal charges, under investigation by the HMRC, FCA, MSFA, SFO, IRS and the UK Police you would have thought Julie "lingerie on expenses" Meyer MBE would stop telling blatant lies in order to somehow part folks from their wealth. But now, another piece of GDPR non compliant spam arrives twice in my inbox this weekend and, as you can see below it is utterly lie packed.

There are a number of slam dunk lies and some that you assume are lies but cannot prove. 

We are told that 2018 is the fifth year of the Ecosystem Economics Programme. Okay so where were the 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 versions, I can find now trace of them. LIE 1

We are told that there is a Judging Committee. Okay so who is on it? Julie Marie Meyer obviously but who else?  Her sex toys? The vicar at her church? Who.. Or is the committee just Julie? 

We are told 12 companies have already been selected as finalists. Really? Prey tell Julie, which fine businesses wish to be blessed and linked to a proven liar, tax evader and fraudster like you?

We are told that at Julie’s Malta 2017 conference there were 500 investors. Bollocks. 17 paid tickets were sold and even for the star speaker, Malta’s Prime Minister there were only 250 folks in the room. The rest of the event could have been held in a phone box. LIE 2

So Julie Meyer’s Viva Capital, the joke company she charges her speaking fees through is going to invest £500,000 in the winner. Right. That is the company which, as we pointed out here, has not filed accounts since those for the year to March 31 2015 were posted and they showed cash of NIL.  So that £500,000 prize. LIE 3.

This email seems to be soliciting an engagement fee from companies to help them raise cash. that is a regulated activity surely? So Ms Lingerie on expenses by whom, exactly, are you regulated? You are aware, are you not, that conducting investment business without authorisation is a criminal offence?

Who will finally put this woman out of business? Who will show the utter misjudgement of Vince Cable and Dave Cameron in inviting her onto Government panels and giving her an MBE? The wheels are now turning at an ever increasing pace. Watch this space.

Meanwhile Julian Pike at uber posh lawyers Farrer & Co, I say "your client Julie Meyer is a liar and a fraudster". I invite you to sue me for libel or will you just accept that what I say is correct and backed by a huge body of evidence on this website HERE - I want to see the Farrer bitchez in court! I want the pre-trial disclosure process even more you feel lucky?

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