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Notes from Underground – Most read articles for the week ending 15 June

By Darren Atwater | Sunday 16 June 2024


Here are the most read articles and the most listened-to Bearcasts over the past seven days. The most read non-Tom article last week is by Nigel Somerville, with The View From The Montana Log-Cabin As Gold Gets Another Visit From “Mr Slammy” at No 8 or No 17 including Bearcasts. 

The most-read ShareProphets articles this week were:

  1. Now about Kibo and its new management team…
    I am sure that London’s top nomad Mr Roland “fatty” Cornish has thoroughly vetted the proposed new directors at Kibo Mining (KIBO) and so its proposed refinancing and transformation into an oil & gas play, albeit one that is still technically insolvent, will go smoothly. Mr Cornish is noted not only for his daily 12 course luncheons but also for his rigorous due diligence done on folks like Rob Terry at Daniel Stewart, Jonny Hon and of course that chap from New World Oil & Gas who has deemed a flight risk by a Texas court.

  2. BREAKING EXPOSE: Proof that Atlas Capital enabled Dominic White’s Dispensa to commit a £1.6m prospectus fraud
    Oh dear. Oh dear. As disgraced ex tipster Mike Walters would say as yet another one of his disastrous share tips turned out to be a complete fraud. Winnileaks has been sent the letter you can see below, signed by Martin Groak, the chairman of Zamaz, which became Dispensa (DISP) proving that his company committed a £1.6 million prospectus fraud.

  3. No RNS from Nightcap: Nomad Allenby really does not give a feck about the rules does it?
    Any respectable company that has Allenby as its broker, Nomad or advisor should, I suggest, switch to almost any other London firm as soon as possible. Otherwise, by association, it will cease to be respectable.

  4. Helium One massively discounted placing a disaster for the morons and our own Magna Carta
    Until this week, our own in house bulletin board obsessive and all round loon Magna Carta was leading the “readers tips” contest thanks to his pick of Helium One (HE1) as a long. Now he and morons everywhere are crying into their cornflakes after a hugely discounted placing has sent the shares crashing. Ooops.

  5. KERBOOM: Chill Brands – if this is not criminal theft what is? Folks, including Zak Mir, should be in jail
    It seems as if the once lauded bosses of Chill Brands (CHILL) Ed Taylor and Antonio Russo are just common or garden tea leaves, according to a shocking RNS this morning. And to think that City scumbag bad Al Cade once engaged ex Israeli army soldier Seth Freedman to menace and threaten me, Pete Brailey, Gary Newman and a PR girl for the “crime” of exposing Ed and Antonio. Today’s RNS from Chill is shocking.

  6. David Lenigas yacht collection caption contest
    Big Dave has given a ramptastic interview about his hugely overvalued bitcoin promote Vinanz (BTC) and as you can see below he does so in front of an array of yachts which seem moored somewhere hot like the Med. Monaco? Which one is his? Or does he own them all? Where are the yachts of shareholders, who did not get hugely discounted shares just before the IPO?

  7. EXPOSE: Tintra goes into administration, a shocking court case regarding a $1.2 million debt it did not tell us about
    Tintra Limited, what was Tintra PLC (TNT), the AIM Company of the year 2022 is now officially a dead parrot, it is in administration put there by the Cogut family to whom it owed $1.2 million. And to think when it delisted just a few months ago it said it had £7 million of cash. It did not, that was a lie and this was a fraud. In that vein I bring you recently filed court papers fromthe Coguts alleging unpaid and undeclared debts and serial lying by CEO Richard Shearer, a co-defendant in this case.

  8. The View From The Montana Log-Cabin As Gold Gets Another Visit From “Mr Slammy”
    Gold closed the week at $2,293, down a little more from last week’s $2,327. That’s not a huge drop, but Gold climbed all the way up to $2,387 during Thursday night and was then slammed down by the best part of $100 on Friday. Silver also suffered a similar fate. Ouch! But is it anything for Gold-bulls like me to worry about?

  9. BREAKING: Zamaz – could Martin Groak being facing jail for his failure to disclose to the Atlas Put option?
    In yesterday's bombshell expose, I revealed that formerly Standard Listed Zamaz, which became Dispensa (DISP), had entered into a put option agreement with Atlas Capital Markets on 25 August 2022 which it failed to disclose which materially overstated the cash raised in the Prospectus. Making false statements in a Prospectus is both a criminal offence and also exposes Martin Groak to civil liability for any investors who lost money in the Zamaz IPO. As the company is almost certain to go bust soon that could be a material bill.

  10. Sleaze in the City: Disgraced Alison Rose is back on the gravy train, she’s alright Jack!
    If a teller at NatWest (NWG) in Chester had disclosed details of a client’s bank account the BBC and been caught he or she would have been fired on the spot without compensation. But for the great and the good, like ex CEO Alison Rose, there are different rules.

The most listened-to Bearcasts this week were:

  1. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: new Dokwe numbers this is a brilliant deal for Ariana are some of its shareholders insane?
    I start with the Labour manifesto and a number of big misgivings I have. Then it is Martin Groak day: The FCA, jail, AIM Regulation, Dispensa (DISP), Tanfield (TAN), Eight Capital Partners (ECP), WH Ireland and Liam "the toke" Murray. This may be small cap stuff but it is VERY IMPORTANT if you care about market credibility. I look at Inspirit (INSP) - as its shares plunge - its boss is surely not fit and proper either. Finally a detailed look at Ariana (AAU) where comrade Somerville might be right, the shares could be 10p+

  2. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: this woman made Rishi Sunak seem like the most down to earth, in touch, person in Britain
    I start with the plans for the alcoholic Fleet Street reunion and a woman on Radio 4 who made my jaw drop. then Helium1 (HE1), Kibo (KIBO), BSF Enterprises (BSFA) and Microsalt (SALT).

  3. Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: GOTCHA Kibo now what about the Forward selling and false market Fatty, you useless knob
    After yesterday's expose the new directors, £500,000 placing and change of strategy have all been scrapped. I did the due diligence Roland "Fatty" Cornish should have done. Now the useless poltroon has created a false market as forward selling has to be unwound. All is explained in this bonus bearcast as AIM faces yet another scandal.

  4. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: it's a small world innit Dave?
    I start with sleaze in the small cap world then go to Dispensa (DISP), what I believe happened in light of today's dynamite prospectus fraud expose. This must be dealt with in the most severe fashion. Then it is onto Oracle Power (ORCP), the history of the Northern Zone assets and Big Dave with his daft tweet below. I look at Nightcap (NGHT), its struggling placing 'fess up and rule breaking and at Belluscura (BELL) imagining Adam Reynolds chatting to his auditors in an increasingly panicked fashion. Finally Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV), up, up and away.

  5. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the EU elections give real hope for Farage, when will Argo go bust and the Tintra scandal gets worse
    The EU election results look like being a triumph for insurgents on the right. Does that give hope to Farage? Are we really so different from folks across the Channel? Then it is on to all bitcoin miners, bears Kerrisdale and Argo Blockchain (ARB). Finally, the Tintra (TNT) scandal. It gets worse and worse.

  6. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: it is what a company does NOT say that is so critical
    In that vein I discuss 4 AIM or small cap companies in the news today all of which I expect to go to Zero: Chill Brands (CHLL), Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Vast Resources (VAST) and Eurasia Mining (EUA)

  7. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Surely Pantheon is a short, it's not just the misleading RNS
    If any of you are prepared to admit voting Labour drop me a note as I am looking for an article on behalf of the People's Party. then it is onto Pantheon Resources (PANR), Chill Brands (CHLL), Invinity Energy (IES), Regtech Open (FRAUD) and Tanfield (TAN)
  8. Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Ariana, the 75 year old divorcee and the stock overhang IF the merger goes ahead
    A number of you have asked about Nick Graham who will own 20% of the enlarged Ariana Resources (AAU) entity if the Dokwe deal goes through. I explain why, notwithstanding his looming divorce, your worries are unfounded and it is not a reason to oppose what is a cracking deal

  9. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the FCA sends me an email
    I discuss that email and why share trades in Kibo (KIBO) but also Eurasia Mining (EUA) merit an urgent investigation and also why both companies are very probably zeros.
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