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Notes from Underground – Most read articles for the week ending 17 February

By Darren Atwater | Sunday 18 February 2024


Here are the most read articles and the most listened-to Bearcasts over the past seven days. The most read non-Quiz, non-Tom article last week is Nigel Somerville with The View From The Montana Log-Cabin: The Big Gold Yawn Continues at No 12 or No19 including Bearcasts. 

The most-read ShareProphets articles this week were:

  1. The UK is in recession – three points you may not have twigged made by an economics nerd
    The headlines today are clear. Two successive quarters of GDP shrinkage means that the UK is officially in recession. Cue all sorts of comments which usually say more about those making the comments than about what is going on. Let’s start with Brexit.

  2. Kefi Gold & Copper – Tulu Kapi update, an upcoming financing and project launch catalysts Strong Buy
    Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) has issued a “Tulu Kapi Gold Project Update” including the big news that “all the other parties in the funding syndicate, have advised they will this month go to their respective committees to approve the proposed transaction” and that contractors have all reaffirmed to enable full project launch in the current half-year as previously outlined. This very good news has currently helped the shares up approaching 14% at 0.675p to buy, but there looks much more upside to come.

  3. Is Stuart Ashman lying again?
    My real beef with Stuart Ashman, the CEO of Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) is not his grotesque pay package and the fact that he snaffled a pay rise last year when his company headed backwards operationally. Nor is it that he tells overt porkies with his “Rules are rules” claims. My real gripe is, as explained in bearcast today, how poor decisions made by him have cost we loyal shareholders badly. Losing 2/3 of the share price in less than three months is worse than careless. But back to the lying.

  4. The Versarien scumbag Neill Ricketts will regret his greed as ex staff line up to blow the whistle
    As I mentioned in yesterday's bearcast I am not so sure I feel that much warmth for those ex Versarien (VRS) staffers now lining up to expose various untruths and worse from the time when Neill Ricketts was in charge. When Ricketts was egging on demented shareholders to pile on against me or, worse, my wife these folks were happy to do nothing and bank their pay cheques. But better late than never and we do now have a common objective.

  5. Andrew Bell you don’t half talk hogwash
    Writing as a loyal shareholder in Red Rock Resources (RRR), if only to remind me of what an idiot I can be, I am waiting for our new consultant, Mr. David Lenigas to weave his magic wand of value creation, that is to say penny share ramping. Pro tem we have death spiral news and complete bullshit from Andrew Bell.

  6. The ShareProphets Sunday Pub Quiz #227
    It's time for the ShareProphets Sunday Pub Quiz.. There are no prizes! And remember, no Googling!

  7. VINDICATION! GOTCHA! Dispensa auditor quits, VSA Capital quits, company to delist, FCA humiliated again
    Natch, Dispensa (DISP) being bent shysters did not mention that Andrew Monk’s VSA Capital (VSA), where I am an unwitting shareholder, had quit but its name was NOT on today’s release and the word on the street is that VSA quit on Friday. I have reached out to the most famous son of Oriel College Oxford but he has declined to confirm. But following my shocking exposes last week HERE and, especially HERE where Carrado Coen became involved, Monkey just had no choice but well done to him anyway for biting the bullet. Gotcha!

  8. Amaroq Minerals – a placing, but a good one! Upgrade stance on a winning tip to Buy
    With the largest package of mineral rights in southern Greenland, Amaroq Minerals (AMRQ) announced an equity raise of approximately £30 million “to accelerate development and exploration activities”. However, as suggested by the price of the fundraising despite a depressed market, the prospective accelerated development and exploration looks very exciting indeed.

  9. Home Secretary James Cleverly hits out against his first cousin Chris of Tingo, African Potash and Technology Minerals infamy
    Okay the Home Secretary does not name his cousin, one of the UK's highest profile fraudsters thanks to the Tingo (TIO) scandal but in the tweet below talking about his new campaign "Stop! Think Fraud" he accepts the damage that fraud does. Cleverly's cousin has caused investors to lose hundreds of millions of dollars and enabled crooks to cash in big time. But what Cleverly(James) just cannot seem to understand is what is needed to tackle fraud. No politician gets it.

  10. Moron on twitter wants Zak Mir to sue me, go ahead “brown envelope man” make my day
    Once again, Gary Newman seems to be engaging with a complete poltroon, “TruthSeeker,” on twitter. Gary, life is too short to waste it debating folks with the IQ of a cheese sandwich. Just block him. TruthSeeker seems to think that I should not be allowed to write articles in the public domain suggesting that Zak Mir takes money for writing pumptastic nonsense about listed companies as that is libelous.He tweets:

The most-listened to Bearcasts this week were:

  1. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Buying more shares today in a gold miner, tempted to lump the lot on this one
    In today's podcast i discuss my visit today to the Shipmans and frustration with NHS IT to get an appointment for another ailment, Versarien (VRS) and the issue of whisteblowers and then gold miners as I add to one holding and consider betting the ranch on it. I look at Centamin (CEY), Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV), Ariana (AAU) and Amaroq (AMRQ).

  2. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 3 gold miners, a surprise lunch guest who I cannot name and a zero which is yet another triumph
    I cannot name the guests for whom I cooked lunch but it has delayed me a bit, In the podcast I discuss Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Ariana Resources (AAU), Amaroq (AMRQ) and Dispensa (DISP), today's triumph where nothing stacks up.

  3. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: How UKOG can be saved and should I be buying NatWest shares, I am sorely tempted
    In today's bearcast I look at Versarien (VRS), Invinity Energy (IES)  a change of stance - Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Baron Oil (BOIL) and NatWest Group (NWG).

  4. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Diversified Energy and its share price obsession - another red flag
    In today's Bearcast I look at the eminently shortable Diversified Energy (DEC), Premier African Minerals (PREM) run by George (Cock)Roach, the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Close Brothers (CBG), BlueJay (JAY), Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX), and BSF Enterprises (BSFA) - discounted placing ahoy!

  5. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: gold dips, bitcoin surges, what is going on?
    In today's podcast I discuss: gold, bitcoin, Argo Blockchain (ARB) and why it is still burning cash, FCA failings, statements needed from Chill Brands (CHLL) and Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and the latest shocker from Vast Resources (VAST), Roland "fatty" Cornish and his pal the sex therapist.

  6. Tom Winnifrith: Bears will be delighted by news of the £2bn IPO of Evri, it stinks at every level
    I start with news of a cruel and unusual punishment I suffered in Wrexham today and then it is onto reports that Evri is considering a £2 billion IPO. If it does its a day one stock to short.

  7. Tom Winnifrith BONUS Bearcast: all studies show that diversity causes outperformance don't they?
    As it happens, whatever the BBC insists every time this comes up, they do not and those that do, i.e McKinsey 2015,look flawed. What is so often overlooked or ignored is diversity of class and thought. I refer to Bud Light in that vein. The brilliant paper by Andrew Fox I reference is HERE

  8. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: making Bara Brith, death threat for the Lemming & I really warm to buying high yield insurers and banks
    I start with the Bara Brith, explaining what it is that Joshua and I have made and why. Photos tomorrow. Then it is onto insurers lie Legal & General (LGEN) as well as banks like NatWest (NWG) and, citing a real expert, I explain why I am increasingly tempted. Then it is onto the death threat for the Lemming Investor. It is to do with Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) and the perp is almost certainly one of those emboldened by Giles Balleny at Cavendish (CAV) who should now be truly ashamed for that. It makes me consider what Britain is becoming and how, if my circumstances were different, I'd be emigrating and will encourage all my kids to do just that. 
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Time left: 04:35:24