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Bulletin Board Moron of the Week contest: market lunacy and deluded fantasy edition sponsored by Supply@ME Capital

By Tom Winnifrith | Sunday 23 August 2020

Disclosure: I have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from ShareProphets). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Can you beat this gem from the LSE Asylum Supply@ME Capital (SYME) board? I put it to you as I return from my Greek eco palace never having held a short position in Eurasia (EUA), as suggested below, that council house dwelling fantasist Andre01 is quite simply bonkers. Anyhow, in these fevered times can you spot a better example of lunacy, delusion or just sheer stupidity on a Bulletin Board or on twitter? Entries in the comments section below with a deadline of midnight on Sunday 23rd August. Now over to Andre01 who is bonkers:

Jim, just sell and move on, it’ll be easier. That post of yours was that of a loser with no conviction in their research. The same waa going on with EUA, the same twunts shorted and lost. It went from 4.2p to 2.4p for a day or two and then rose to 7p, suspended and returned at 17p, now 22p. The shorters burned bad there and TW lost £400k on that one, him and his cronies will lose here and bad. Id love this share to suspend and then release news and return to market on the day news is released. He’d be f****** wiped out.

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