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BREAKING: Julie Meyer to face Judge under Oath after fresh legal setback

By Tom Winnifrith | Saturday 23 March 2019


Bloody hell, these misogynists, jealous of the “success” of Julie “Lingerie on Expenses” Meyer are everywhere determined to do her down because she is a woman and an American. It is so unfair. And of course it is all driven by fake news is it not? Er no. Today we have fresh news of another humiliating setback for Ms Meyer.

Last week saw a meeting of creditors of Ariadne Capital Limited, Meyer’s flagship vehicle which went tits up in late 2017. The administrator, Andrew Duncan of Leonard Curtis has already passed a report to the Insolvency Service asking it to investigate Meyer with a view to banning her as a director for up to 15 years as I exclusively revealed in December of last year HERE.

With the FCA now also now running a formal investigation into Meyer’s actions at Ariadne, Duncan has been funded to continue his investigations by a small group of creditors. Last week a meeting was held to decide which administrator would conduct the formal wind-up.

Meyer claims to be a creditor by dint of a £550,000 secured loan she gave but there does not appear to be any record of those funds being received or of such a loan being minuted at any stage. She attempted, via a new firm of lawyers (don’t they know that 24 firms of lawyers have already done work for Ms Meyer and not been paid?) to argue that she was also owed vast back wages and was thus an even bigger creditor. That claim was struck out and thus a vote of approved creditors was held as to which of three firms should continue the process.

Ms Meyer wanted anyone other than Andrew Duncan of Leonard Curtis, the other creditors wanted Mr Duncan to continue his fine work and they prevailed. And so what next? Mr Duncan is now set to issue what is known as a Section 236 Notice which will require Ms Meyer to give evidence e under oath to a Judge.

The odds on her actually turning up? Er.. long. But it all adds to the ever lengthening list of legal issues she faces as a result of the global misogynist and fake news conspiracy against her.

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