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A Letter to Julie Meyer - how do you fancy a long walk with a convicted felon?

By Tom Winnifrith | Friday 25 May 2018


A reader says that if I invite Julie Meyer MBE to join myself and Brokerman Dan Levi on our sponsored 30 mile walk for Woodlarks on July 28 he will donate £400, if she turns up he will donate an additional £600. Why not? I am sure that Brokerman Dan would be happy to share some of his past experiences with her and that might prep Ms Meyer for her life going forward. The letter is below. Now how about you all donate a tenner each HERE.

C/O Julian Pike at Farrer & Co - for the attention of Julie Meyer


As the Maltese Police have discovered, your client Ms Meyer seems a bit hard to track down these days so perhaps you might pass this on. I know that, what with sending illegal emails to Maltese judges and trying to silence the heroic whistleblower John Galt you are a busy man so I shall cut to the chase.

Myself and another respected financial journalist, Mr Dan Levi, are undertaking a 30 mile sponsored walk for the Woodlarks charity on July 28. A reader has suggested that I invite Julie to join us as she may learn something that will help her going forward from Dan.

I hope that you will yourself make a donation HERE

But if you might ask Julie if she would be at liberty on that day and if she would join us I'd be terribly grateful.

I look forward to your response.

Tom Winnifrith


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