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Julie Meyer sends out newsletter - it's defamatory & delusional - why no video?

By Tom Winnifrith | Thursday 17 May 2018


There was I hoping for one of those hand waving videos filmed inside the rented flat where Julie Meyer lives with her sex toys and books praising Jesus and Tony Blair. Perhaps Julie would care to explain why she did not shoot a video this week to put all those nasty rumours to bed. Over to you sister... But as you can see below she has spammed her wholly non GDPR compliant mailing list with a letter which is quite simply bonkers and also defamatory.

Her problems in Malta? Nothing to do with regulatory breaches going back to last Autumn, she has lost her MFSA license because the regulators were pissed off that she wanted to leave. Employment law?  They are Marxists in Malta apparently.  You mean wanting staff to get paid is Marxist? Whatever.  Then there is the "misogyny" - yup poor Julie is the victim of a bunch of sexist beasts. As for the corruption - everyone demands bribes apparently? And since Julie was not prepared to grease the palm of Johnny Foreigner she came a cropper.  This is fantasy and an awful slur on Malta.

We know the MFSA took away her license for numerous regulatory breaches, suppliers had to get garnishee orders as she did not pay bills and she faces criminal charges for not paying staff, charges she has dodged by fleeing the Island.  But read Julie's version and it is all about her honesty in a corrupt land, sexism and a Marxist approach to entrepreneurs. 

Then she goes onto defame Henry Gewanter who has had the temerity to ask for unpaid fees. She says he was never part of her team and is guilty of ethical flaws. Hmmm so why did she email her own staff ( 23 January 11.08 PM - thanks Winnileaks) to say " I am pleased to share with you the good news that Henry Gewanter (of PPL) has agreed to be our (much necessary) PR advisor. He's got an impressive track record and has already made me feel much better."

Gewanter has this morning contacted his legal team with a view to commencing libel proceedings against Meyer and Entrepreneur Country. 

The whole email looks like the ramblings of a woman who is right on the edge. She faces criminal charges in Malta, her businesses have no cash and no sources of revenue and neither does she. She is being investigated by the FCA, HMRC, the Metropolitan Police, ActionFraud and sued in both Malta and the UK for unpaid bills. Now even the mainstream press is waking up. I have had a stack of journos on the trombone asking for pointers which I have been all to happy to provide. The reign of terror is over.  Journalists are not cowed by legal threats and other dirty tricks and are daring to ask questions. Ex employees formerly cowed by draconian NDAs are now rushing to speak out. 

I can understand why Praise The Lord is on the edge. The game is up.



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Time left: 18:18:12