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Notes from Underground – Most read articles for the week ending 4 May

By Darren Atwater | Sunday 5 May 2024


Here are the most read articles and the most listened-to Bearcasts over the past seven days. The most read non-Tom article last week is by Gary Newman, with Sylvania Platinum offers good exposure to improving PGM prices longer term - BUY at No 8 or No 16 including Bearcasts. 

The most-read ShareProphets articles this week were:

  1. BREAKING: Max Rets Ventures and those "intent" to support, you could not make this Dominic White shit up!
    What on earth is my pal Liam Murray at advisor Cairn Financial smoking now? Is there anything that he will not sign off on? Today we have a classic from Dominic White’s Max Rets Ventures (MAX) which will see me reporting the company’s auditors to the Financial Reporting Council.

  2. Ariana Resources – ‘pleased to announce merger agreement’ - Tom Winnifrith buys more shares and argues a cracking deal, after zoom call with CEO
    Ariana Resources (AAU) states that it “is pleased to announce that it has entered into a conditional merger agreement to acquire 100% of Rockover Holdings”. How ‘pleasing’ is it though, with the shares down to a 2.3p offer price in response?

  3. OptiBiotix Health – Slimbiome manufacturing agreement in India, Strong Buy
    OptiBiotix Health (OPTI) has announced a manufacturing agreement for the supply of its Slimbiome-containing products in India, emphasising a significant opportunity there with a growing middle-class in a population of 1.4 billion people and obesity prevalence at above 40%.

  4. Photo Article, Lucian Miers almost at the end of a 30 mile training walk in the Grim North
    Pictured below is Lucian Miers entering Bridlington at the weekend after a 30 mile coastal walk from Scarborough. He says that he was "feeling a bit cream crackered!" after 11 hours walking. But on 18 May he will walk 62.5 miles, 100 kilometres to raise money to fight the appalling illness that is Motor Neurone Disease. For a much missed uncle Richard Hobhouse felled by this dreadful disease, I have and I hope that you will also sponsor him HERE.

  5. The Supply@ME Capital fraud – a former banker explains yesterday’s spoof RNS and where is the Annual Report?
    Yesterday’s RNS from the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) was, as I suggested in bearcast, a spoof. But I haven’t worked in a lending bank since the black and white era. A more recent banker has written in the comments section why the RNS is a spoof and I republish his comment below as it merits a wider audience. Meanwhile, the annual report is due today. Where is it? Good news travels fast, bad news is always slow to come…

  6. Upland Resources Placing: Evil Banksta bows out of the short team with a loss but only for now
    After hours on Friday Upland Resources (UPL), the company run by those chancers who should have been booted and cold shouldered after the spoof bid fiasco, announced that it had raised $4 million at 3.3p through its new joint broker Oak Securities, aka the odious, greasy, spiv Jerry Keen, a man who would fund raise for Satan as long as he got commission. The shares are back to 3.45p on the news as Keen’s spivtastic clients flipped. So what now?

  7. Petrofac: Evil Banksta stays short, still targeting 4p after today’s dire news & share suspension tomorrow night
    In an admission today we learned that shares in Petrofac (PFC) will be suspended tomorrow night as it cannot get its results out on time. It seems to be making progress on a refinancing but it is one that will see existing shareholders diluted to kingdom come. The shares have slumped to 16.75p but could they fall more? Evil Banksta is still targeting 4p but understands if some bears want to bank gains and close. Liverpool’s greatest numbers man since Ken Dodd writes:

  8. Sylvania Platinum offers good exposure to improving PGM prices longer term - BUY
    The cyclical nature of the natural resources sector means that the time to buy companies that are at the production stage, and are financially strong enough to weather lower revenues, is when the market has been in a bit of a down cycle but has been showing signs that commodity prices are near the bottom.

  9. Letter to the Financial Reporting Council: Auditors LB Group & the fraud Regtech Open: ref relevant experience
    Yesterday I dropped a note to the boss of the UK’s 72nd largest accountants LB Group warning him of his mistake in agreed to do the books for the fraud Regtech Open Project (RTOP). Today it is the Financial Reporting Council getting an email suggesting that it be proactive in stopping LB acting for Regtech. For by its own admission LB is not qualified to do the job.

  10. BREAKING: Has Tintra, the AIM Company of the year 2022 and a total Norfolk, been wound up for real this time?
    You may remember that earlier this year, death spiral provider Fintech Leaders Fund served a winding up petition on Tintra Ltd, formerly Tintra PLC (TNT), the AIM Company of the year 2022 over a bill which was a fraction of the amount of net cash Tintra claimed to be sitting on when it delisted. That order was stayed for 56 days as Tintra promised to pay. Wind forward to 24 April…

The most-listened to Bearcasts this week were:

  1. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: a billion dollar company that is worth NOTHING!
    I start by revealing the next CEO pitching up to spend a day with folks at ShareStock. You can get more details and book your places for September 7 HERE. Then it is on to Vast Resources (VAST), a spoof from the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Technology Minerals (TM1), Upland resources (UPL) and Critical Metals Corp (CRML).

  2. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Feck the NHS, a day of my life and that of Jaya wasted at Wrexham Hospital
    I describe a day of utter frustration then also comment on Ben's Creek (BEN), Conroy Gold (CGNR), Supply@ME Capital (SYME), where are the results? And on MaxRets Ventures (MAX): who is the auditor for me to report to the FRC? Come on Liam Murray, who are you protecting? Oh and there is a salacious rumour I can't quite stand up. I do hope it's true.

  3. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Just so sordid
    I start with the election of my local Police & Crime Commissioner then it is onto Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO), Avacta (AVCT), Fletcher King (FLK), Argentex (AGFX)) and finally a story and a call from a Sunday Newspaper. It is so sordid.

  4. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: thoughts from my Neighbour's Funeral
    It is all laughs here in Wales, a few thoughts as we buried Norman. Then a few thoughts on the sad death of Sara Alhashima and the wretched BBC. Then it is on the laughable delisting of AVZ Minerals, 1757 days after this Boatman dossier. some words on Ariana Resources (AAU), Inspiration Healthcare (IHC) and finally, in detail, numbers from the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME). 

  5. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I am beginning to think Cirata is a stonking short
    I start with a few words on my electoral choice today then discuss Invinity (IES) and why Andrew Monk is not a true capitalist, Nightcap (NGHT), Eqtec (EQT) and Cirata (CRTA)

  6. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the FRC being proactive on Regtech, here is how the end game plays out
    I start with some hands/gardening news then a last word for the weekend on the Regtech (RTOP) fraud scandal and accounting nightmare. the FRC has already responded to my mail of earlier.

  7. Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Nightcap to buy Revolution Bars, you is 'avin' a giraffe La Willingham
    Revolution Bars (RBG) says Nightcap (NGHT) has made a number of proposals. we can all make proposals. I refer you to the matter of Britain's most talented actress and chanteuse. I discuss what exactly is going on here.

  8. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: May the 4th be with you, especially if you are a Lithuanian regulator
    I start with Star Wars then move onto today's £46 million Eight Capital bombshell, and more questions for Liam "the toke" Murray as the Dominic White/ Alessandro Zamboni empire implodes.
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