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#BoycottMetroBank – its “values” are nauseating and its Orwellian approach to free speech despicable

By Tom Winnifrith | Wednesday 5 July 2023

Disclosure: I have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from ShareProphets). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

If I had had surgery when I was a kid to help me be what I wanted to be and thought I was, I would today have only one leg and one eye. I would not be a proper pirate but I could at least identify as Long John Silver. These days some folks think kids should have whatever they want to help them be what they want. If they want to “transition” so they can change gender it is fine to pump them with chemicals and start snipping here and there. So what if 25% of folks who do transition regret it and what to change back, lets pump the teenagers full of hormones. Do you think this is repulsive, I do. But dare I say that?

A month ago Metro Bank (MTRO) signed up with the Stonewall Group to make sure its LGBTQ+ policies were sufficiently woke. Stonewall used to be a heroic campaigner for LGB rights but it has gone T mental so alienating many of its traditional LGB supporters. It supports medical interventions on teens who say they wish to transition, or, as you and I might view it, child abuse.

So today we learn that Metro Bank has rejected a request to create a business account for Our Duty, a 2,000 member group of parents who think it is harmful for transgender kids to transition medically.

The founder of Our Duty Keith Jordan claimed a bank manager told them they were blocked because 'the content of your website conflicts with the culture and ideas we are pushing'.

So Our Duty, like nearly everybody else in the country thinks medical intervention on kids to transition is wrong. But Metro and Stonewall regards it as right and a value to be “pushed” Whatever happened to the days when banks were their to lend money or to house our savings as opposed to telling we dirty plebs how to live our lives.

Metro has, at its highest level, been captured –
like Wickes (WIX) – by a crazy GroupThink culture which sees it label more than 90% of us as bigots. If I was a shareholder in this company I would be livid at how well paid managers are taking policy decisions which can only alienate customers and so destroy shareholder value.

As we have seen at Anheuser Busch, the owner of Bud Lite, the only way that these big corporations will stop both insulting loyal customers but also pushing ideas and values which are offensive and repellent to nearly all of us, is if customers vote with their feet. Now I accept that most of the other banks are probably just as bad as Metro Bank bit it is small and financially fragile enough to be hurt by a boycott and forced to apologise and change course. So it is right to #BoycottMetroBank.
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