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Picture Article Sharestock 2022, Two Till Very late Indeed

By Tom Winnifrith | Tuesday 13 September 2022

Disclosure: I own shares in one or more of the stocks mentioned. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from ShareProphets). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Sadly, photographer C did not hang around for the cold salmon, stuffed marrows, leeks and new potatoes with mint all from the garden. Nor for the home made ice cream and for the drinking which continued until 9 PM. And for some of us even longer as home made nettle beer was opened up inside the house. Next year he must stay for that and so can you. The date is now fixed as September 23 2023 and we have a new really big name headline speaker. But back to 2022.

The afternoon kicked of with me on fraud. You know what I look like so there is no nee for a photo. Then Steve Brown of Orcadian (ORCA) on stage with Peter Brailey - my only gap of the day. Then it was Peter Hambro the grand old man of gold followed - no pictures here - by Brian Kinane of Riverfort who was the surprise hit of the day as he defended death spirals valiantly. I did not chuck Steve O'Hara of OOptibiotix (OPTI) in the river Dee but gave him a hard time none the less. A very hard time. Then tea (scones, cream  and more home made jams) followed by Gabriel Grego and an all speaker Q&A.

And then it was supper and a lot more drinking as non smoking Lucian stole yet another fag from Peter Brailey. As the sun dimmed my kids played on the lawn as their mother started drinking. But even with her efforts we did not (quite) run out of booze, including the organic ales and lager brewed locally in Wrexham

Darren will have a 2023 website up soon with a wider choice of places tro stay locally if you want to make a weekend of it. I am working on adding new speakers as well as bringing back the stars of 2022 and adding in a couple more non share attractions.

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Time left: 06:03:28