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Picture Article Sharestock 2022, 10 AM to c12

By Tom Winnifrith | Tuesday 13 September 2022


Folks carried on tucking into croissants however much I urged them to go to the main tent. The home made jam was just so good. But the cat was patient and still waiting for us and Gabriel Grego was ready and, later than scheduled Lucian and I kicked the day off. We over-ran too but talked about a lot of crooks.

Then Peter Brailey won a lot of fans with a double act with myself where I found it hard to get a word in edgeways. Peter over-ran too. Then it was meant to be Chris Bailey but he had a collapse late last week and could not make it for medical reasons so instead I ate my hat. This was a delightful piuzza creation presented to me by Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources (RRR) after the failure of its share price to double as I had predicted. I quizzed Bell and he insists we will have big news soon. I did give him a hard time.

Then it was Cathal Friel of Open Orphan (ORPH) who was persuasive. Meanwhile Peter Hambro arrived wearing a black tie.

FWIW, we have started planning next year's event with up to 4 new speakers being asked to appear once we have fixed a date, plus the stars from this year's show. We have now fixed that date: September 23 2023 to accomodate a new star headline speaker.

Hat tip attendee C for the photos

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Time left: 14:06:57