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Julie Meyer bashes the Queen, creates North Anglesey & abuses the Welsh, say she is infested with frogs (the French) - her most insane email yet: follow the ouzo

By Tom Winnifrith | Monday 16 May 2022


Still branding herself after the colour of her hair dye, the blonde, Julie “lingerie on expenses” Meyer is today again spamming her GPDR non-compliant mailing list trying to persuade folks to join her at her latest investment conference.  This email from the fugitive from a 6 month jail term here in the UK is her most insane yet. She insults the French, the Queen and invests a whole new island off Wales, North Anglesey. It is of course just Anglesey, or rather Yns Mon. Maybe she should visit the place as the North Wales Police are keen to have a word following her recent wasting of Police time.

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