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Video: Politicians swinging from lamposts, mass starvation, a mammoth European recession - and that is the best case scenario

By Tom Winnifrith | Thursday 10 March 2022


Again I present this as a counter view to a one way traffic in the MSM. I can’t say that I agree with all of what follows. Libertarian commentator Tom Luongo does not hold back. For starters he believes social media should be reserved exclusively for puppy and unicorn videos. As a hardcore libertarian he believes in human rights and is therefore against war as a matter of principle. Wars support the state and they are the worst possible outcome of human interaction.  He says that the Ukraine war is full of disinformation and bias from the media and as always the first casualty in war is the truth and that Russia appears to generally be less biased in its reporting. The Russians feel this is the least bad action they can take regarding Ukraine at this time.

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