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BREAKING: Julie Meyer MBE gets 6 months jail sentence, suspended but only pro tem

By Tom Winnifrith | Monday 21 February 2022


You may remember that Julie “Lingerie on expenses” Meyer MBE tried to wriggle out of paying £200,000 to lawyer Julian Pike of Farrer & Co who she had engaged, inter alia, to troll and harass myself and whistleblower John Galt. She lost the case against Farrer but appealed.She has lost again. The judgment of Mr Justice Kerr is below and is a joy to read. Ouzos all round tonight!!!

Our four years of exposing Ms Meyer and all her crimes in the face of some truly vile harassment on her part is now wholly vindicated- all our articles can be read HERE

Kerr states baldly that Meyer lied about a supposed illness; that he has “rarely seen a weaker case” than Meyer’s; slams her for a failure to produce documents notably her IRS US tax returns, brands her an untrustworthy witness and one who shows disrepect to court. It is that disrespect which now sees Julie in contempt and the ruling on that matter is a delight. Yiamas!

I reject the idea of imposing a fine. The defendant would not, in my judgment, pay it if she could avoid doing so. To make her pay, if achievable at all, would impose yet further on public resources and it would make enforcement of the judgment more difficult for the claimant if she did pay.

Confiscation of assets would be a good idea but is unlikely to be effective. The defendant would be likely to hide any assets she could to put them beyond the reach of the court. It is not clear to me that she has any assets of substance in the jurisdiction.

In my judgment, a sentence of imprisonment is appropriate and necessary because the breach is deliberate, cynical and continuing and because, on the evidence before me, I am satisfied there is every prospect that the defendant will continue to flout orders of the court unless coerced into obeying them.

I will make an order holding the defendant in contempt and imposing on her a sentence of imprisonment for six months. I am required to suspend that sentence on terms reflecting the wording of rule 71.8(2) and (3).

The defendant is required to comply fully with the disclosure requirements of the order of Heather Williams J by 4pm on 7 February 2022 and to attend in person, not remotely, at a court in this building, the number of which will be confirmed, at 10.30am on 14 February 2022 or such other date as the court may advise. She has plenty of time to arrange travel to this country for that purpose.

Did Julie turn up in the UK on St Valentine’s Day? What do you think? We can safely say that she will never ever set foot in this land again as she now faces not only an ongoing FCA criminal investigation but also investors in her Maltese venture (now bust) trying to get their cash back as are the HMRC in the UK and the US IRS which is owed several million dollars. Meanwhile in Switzerland her ex business partner has won a series of cases against her and the regulatory authorities must surely be having a butcher’s.

Irony of ironies for me, as a part time Greek Resident, her last remaining bolt hole is Greece. I have done some work on addressing that matter during a recent visit and will be upping the ante in light of this news. No doubt Julie – who in her time has sent me three lawyers letter and harassed myself and my wife online – thinks the judge is, like all her critics, just a sad old misogynist.  But those who will believe such claims are now few and far between.The net is closing in.  




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