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BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Julie Meyer MBE slammed by another judge, this time in Switzerland as she loses two more cases

By Tom Winnifrith | Tuesday 9 November 2021


Oh dear, oh dear. Still facing an FCA criminal investigation and also again slammed by a British Judge just the other day for lying and facing possible jail time for contempt of Court and still on the hook for millions of dollars in unpaid taxes in the USA, UK and Malta, it seems as if Julie “Lingerie on Expenses” Meyer might be forced to flee Switzerland too as she now appears to be an illegal immigrant.

The first case she lost this week was brought by her against her former business partner in Zurich. Julie claimed he had removed documents from Viva when she seized control of her latest vehicle and ousted him. The Judge concluded that Ms Meyer’s inability to find documents was laughable and she lost that case. The second case was more serious and again against Meyer’s former business partner.

Assuming my German translator is word perfect and she normally is, the Court Decree from the Kanton of Zurich notes that:

Ms Meyer’s complaint is self contradictory;

That there is no evidence for anything she claimed;

That Ms Meyer was not willing to hand over her electronic devices to the police to verify the complaint (I wonder why?);

That the apartment at Schipfe 2 is only used as a corporate office (confirming that Ms Meyer no longer has her residency in Zurich, which is a requirement for a valid work permit);

That Ms Meyer owes taxes to the tax authorities of the United States (IRS); These taxes have been owed for 20 years with Ms Meyer pleading penury yet being able to buy a house in Greece costing more than a million dollars, a matter I have – as a law abiding citizen – passed on to the IRS.

That the former business partner’s statement about Meyer’s “gross, willful, unethical and potentially illegal behaviour could not be disproved.

That Ms Meyer appears “a little paranoid”.

Oops a daisy. Natch in sleaze ridden Britain Julie Meyer is just the sort of person who deserves to keep an MBE, in fact why is she not a Tory MP?. But one wonders if the work permit issue, not to mention a raft of other legal matters involving her former business partner might see Ms Meyer making Greece her permanent home, at lease until the Bubbles rumble her too.  What, I wonder, has the mighty Hellenic Republic done to deserve Ms Meyer. Have its citizens not suffered enough already in recent years?

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