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#BoycottOctopusEnergy on 3 counts!

By Tom Winnifrith | Monday 14 June 2021


I have received an email from Octopus Energy urging me to switch to it. The claim it makes is a lie “Save money when you switch your energy- Don’t get fleeced by your energy supplier. Switch to Octopus Energy honest and transparent.”. Well if you look at the table below Octopus – which claims to be uber-green – is far from the cheapest supplier. It seems to be doing more than its own share of fleecing. But there are two other reasons to #BoycottOctopusEnergy.

1. It donated £100,000 to an organisation which wants to defund the Police, end capitalism, end the nuclear family and boycott Israel.Yes, some of the fat profits it makes from supplying expensive power go to the Black Lives Matter organisation.

2. Octopus advertises on the sky platform and thus its adverts were shown last night on Andrew Neill’s new TV Channel TV News which immediately prompted calls from Guardian reading dungaree wearing workshy bums for a boycott of companies such as Octopus. I am no great fan of GB News as I explain HERE but I support free speech. Octopus responded to those who oppose free speech by saying the advert was not intended and it would look at refusing to advertise going forward. In other words it supports those who oppose free speech.

As a company it can do what it wants. But as customers so can we. #BoycottOctopusEnergy


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