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BREAKING: ShareProphets won't be around too much longer - Tom Winnifrith going to prison for 7 years with "unlimited fine"

By Tom Winnifrith | Saturday 6 March 2021

Disclosure: I have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from ShareProphets). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Well you heard it here first. Actually you did not.As you can see below this report comes from an impeccable source: twitter where Jack Dorsey et al ALWAYS act to censor fake news so you can rely on twitter to give you the truth. Perhaps that is why 26 folks liked this tweet and 1 has retweeted it. Sadly for those 28 losers ( the author, RT and likes) this is demonstrable fantasy.

Supply@ME Capital (SYMEshares were suspended by the FCA at my instigation, firstly for failing to publish accounts on time after it changed the year end to cover up lies it had told.  And then as the FCA started investigating those lies and many others, most notably its fraudulent prospectus in which it overstated net assets by 99% and its bogus 2020 interims in which it booked fake sales and its RNS of 28 September 2020 announcing more fake sales and director share dumping on the back of those lies.

Supply has admitted that it is the FCA which will determine when, I suggest if, its shares resume trading in an an RNS on 16 February yet if you are the sort of moron who owns this stock you can ignore what the company says and insist that it is Supply asking to be suspended so it can prepare a legal case against me.  You can pretend that I am short or have a financial interest in a short position which I do not, I never do in any stock at all. And if course you can pretend that a company rather than legal bodies would prepare what would be a criminal case.

To invest in such an obvious fraud as Supply@ME Capital you need to be deluded and happy to exist in a fact free world. Sam Valuetuna is a case in point….

He is one notch up from his fellow shareholders who discuss hiring a hitman to have me killed.

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