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Site Publisher Comrade Atwater & his Mrs march through the cold snows of Ottawa to feed those made poor & hungry by Justin Trudeau

By Tom Winnifrith | Saturday 20 February 2021


When you elect a socialist crackpot like Justin Trudeau, a hereditary politician and all round knobhead, it will eventually end in tears. The problem with socialists is that eventually they run out of other people’s money, as the greatest leader this country has ever known once observed. So in the snows of the socialist hell hole that is Canada, they are not yet at the pet eating stage but homelessness and hunger are a growing problem. But at least Mr Trudeau hopes to end lockdown in time to wear his Eid socks at the Pride parade. Or is it the other way round?

Natch folks like, the publisher of this website, comrade Darren Atwater think that the answer to economic ruin is to have even more of the crackpot policies that created the mess in the first place. Whatever…

In an attempt to feed the starving Canucks, there is a big sponsored walk today through the snows. Darren and his Mrs will be taking a day off from ice fishing, trying to persuade their cats to become vegans, watching videos of Owen Jones and other important matters to do this 5 mile walk which, for Darren, is an awfully long trek. The weather forecast for Ottawa this afternoon is for temperatures to be minus 4 but to feel, with wind chill, like minus 9. That is all that global warming, which Mr Trudeau keeps on yakking on about, in action. Have fun Darren & Martha.

If you would like to help a starving Canuck today, more details of the event and how to sponsor Darren are here

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