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2020 ShareProphets share tip winner Colin is a gent: his prize is now on Woodlarks auction

By Tom Winnifrith | Sunday 3 January 2021


I mentioned this in yesterday’s bearcast, but to bring it to a wider audience, Colin, the winner of the 2020 Readers share tips contest, has donated his prize to a better cause, Woodlarks. He is a gent. So here’s the deal: an auction is underway for a half litre of Greek Hovel olive oil signed by myself and the top bid is currently £100. Nope, make that £150. The catch…

There was a 2020 harvest and I shall post the full story over the coming days but my oil for personal use is currently with my friend and business partner Nicho the Communist in Kambos, Greece. I shall thus send out the ½ litre only after I have been to the Greek Hovel near Kambos to collect it. With that caveat, please bid in the comments section below. I will close the auction at midnight on 4th January.

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