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Photo Article: Go woke go broke with LGBT Skittles

By Tom Winnifrith | Monday 26 October 2020


I am not suggesting that Mars, the owner of the Skittles brand of sweets, is going bust. But I wonder if the woke millenials in its UK marketing department have covered themselves in glory this year.

Chewy, unhealthy and not actually that pleasant to eat, the USP of skittles is that, like the LGBT flag, they come in a rainbow assortment of colours. And thus some bright spark decided that to show how progressive this aggressive capitalist corporation was, it would mark Pride Month by packaging non rainbow skittles not in the normal rainbow packaging but in a black and white celebratory packet as you can see below.

LGBT History Month is February. Pride Events occur throughout the summer. But Pride Month is June, to mark the anniversary of the Stonewall riots and is something that organisations such as the BBC celeberate hard for the entire 30 days. 

I watched these packets appear on the shelves at my local petrol station over in free England in the first week of June. And they stayed on the shelves and they stayed on the shelves and they stayed on the shelves. Now, as you can see below, they are being knocked out at half price as the store tries to clear packets and packets of the foul tasting things before the sell by date.


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