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Will Panorama credit the folk who exposed Neil Woodford on Monday: here are our top 50 exposes since 2015

By Tom Winnifrith | Tuesday 22 October 2019

Disclosure: I own shares in one or more of the stocks mentioned. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from ShareProphets). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

I see that Roger Lawson of ShareSoc is today praising the FT's coverage of Neil Woodford. How sad and predictable that the establishment engages in mutual masturbation rathing than seeking the truth. The FT is the paper that publisshed a blow job interview with Woodford as recently as April 2019. Of course Roger is not mentioning our work in his little read blog posts or praising the folks who called this one out with more than 1000 articles and podcasts since 2015. But I hope that the BBC does recognise who was Woodford's nemesis on Monday. In case it has forgotten here are our 50 most read articles on the ex fund manager

  1. Video: Tom Winnifrith exposes Neil Woodford back in April 2018 - so far ahead of any other journalist
  2. Neil Woodford - how long before The Deadwood Press admits that he does not walk on water?
  3. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - My friend goes down for 21 months but the real story is Neil Woodford's £45m overdraft
  4. Woodford Patient Capital Trust: The Big Short (Jan updates) – Someone’s got to do it!
  5. Woodford Patient Capital Trust: The Big Short (Foreword) – The wider context: Woodford’s problems with the Equity Income Fund
  6. Neil Woodford on Capita - you are talking bollocks you poltroon
  7. Arrogant bastard Nomates Neil Woodford explains his latest disaster Provident Financial
  8. Neil Woodford gets blow-job write up in Daily Mail - shameful journalism but look at the reader comments!
  9. The Good News from Oxford Nanopore that exposes the valuation scandal at Woodford
  10. House broker Cenkos (Lagos) on the AA - Neil Woodford's disaster of the week
  11. SHOCKING: Woodford and Benevolent AI – Has Neil really been forced to give away his shares for free??
  12. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - what is the difference between Warren Buffett and Neil "nomates" Woodford?
  13. An Open Letter to Neil Woodford - are you man or a mouse? Will you take my questions on a public stage?
  14. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: doing some futurology to help my good friend Neil Woodford & is it game over for Andalas
  15. Breaking: Prothena & Purplebricks crashing - is Woodford Fund now in breach of borrowing/unquoted limits? RNS needed ASAP!
  16. Provident Financial Rescue Rights issue - where does this leave Neil Woodford? Does he have a spare £115m?
  17. Woodford Patient Capital Trust: The Big Short (Appendix 2) – A look at the detail of the strange Benevolent AI transactions
  18. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Don't tell Neil Woodford but Purplebricks is worth just 94p per share - or probably less!
  19. Woodford Patient Capital: The Big Short (Appendix 1) – The (not so) “independent” Board of Directors
  20. After Capita, the next Neil Woodford disaster is Prothena - CMO walks after hours friday
  21. Woodford Patient Capital Trust: The Big Short (Chapter 1) – Huge unquoted risk and a shocking conflict of interest
  22. Woodford Patient Capital Trust: The Big Short (Chapter 5): Conclusion – the perfect short?
  23. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Double Blow Job for Woodford in Sunday Times, Neil you are not "Britain's Buffett"
  24. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 3 more Woodford disasters today & one tells a MASSIVE FECKING LIE as well
  25. Tom Winnifrith bearcast: this time Neil Woodford is only talking 50% bollocks but what about Brokerman Dan on Ascent you ask?
  26. The Nomates Neil Woodford 2001 excuse/defence - it's just a Maginot line
  27. Ombu Group another cash guzzler - can Neil Woodford meet his £50 million commitment?
  28. Feedback - Oh dear, Malcolm appears to have contracted a nasty bout of Woodforditis
  29. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Neil Woodford is this weekend staring into the abyss
  30. Woodford Patient Capital Trust: The Big Short (Chapter 2) – The debt and liquidity crisis
  31. UPDATED: Neil Woodford - the big question panicking NEDS must ask him about Woodford Patient Capital Trust
  32. Does Neil Woodford really deserve a halo - is Circassia the biggest dog in his funds?
  33. Woodford Patient Capital Trust and Benevolent AI (again) – a bit more to the shoddy tale
  34. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - the chart Neil "nomates" Woodford would rather you did not see
  35. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the Sheriff battles Neil Woodford at WPCT AGM
  36. In his own words. Neil Woodford on Vernalis, his disaster of the day (up for sale and firing staff)
  37. Neil Woodford - now about the missing dividends and another thing
  38. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast, Versarien, Meyer, Woodford & Joshua learns foul language from some "Ladies"
  39. Woodford and Capita – Strike two: a few observations
  40. Woodford Patient Capital Trust: GOTCHA – Investment Policy WAS changed: an absolute scandal!
  41. All is not lost, don’t despair - I expect Sosandar and Woodford to spring back to life
  42. Woodford and the $2 billion spoof – Part 1: More odd-looking funding
  43. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: AAOG £4m placing at 10p? And what do IFA's who have stuffed clients into Woodford do now?
  44. Another Woodford money pit – Thin Film Electronics
  45. Neil Woodford & his Related party pals at IP Group - another damning note from JCap
  46. Bear Raiders Kerrisdale rips into hapless Neil Woodford on twitter
  47. Would you Adam & Eve it – today’s nightmare for Neil Woodford
  48. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Lyin Steve serves up a horror at UKOG, Woodford's disaster of the day and a question for an old friend
  49. Atom Bank: Yet another Woodford cash-guzzler – more funding required
  50. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Julie Meyer, Neil Woodford & MySquar - all rotters
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