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EXCLUSIVE: Shamed Dragon's Den flop Piers Linney of Outsourcery infamy wants to teach you how to create a winning business!

By Tom Winnifrith | Sunday 21 July 2019


What next? Boris Johnson running courses on marital fidelity, Bill Clinton lecturing us on women's rights with his pal Jeff Epstein? i despair. Anyhow, former BBC media darling, Dragon's Den flop Piers Linney claimed to be worth £100 million despite the string of business failures we exposed here. At AIM Casino listed Outsourcery, which we relentlessly called out by myself as a POS and which went bust, Linney burned through £21 million of other folks cash. Now, as you can see below, he wants your cash to teach you about how to start and grow a business. Whatever....

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