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The unpaid wages of sin…Is Peter Bradley the 18th lawyer Julie Meyer has failed to pay…here are 17 more

By Tom Winnifrith | Friday 15 June 2018


In his time as General Counsel to the Ariadne Group run by Julie “Lingerie on Expenses” Meyer , Mr Peter Bradley had occasion to send me three lawyers letters on behalf of his boss who is now being investigated by the FCA, the MFSA, the SFO, Action Fraud, the IRS, HMRC and is wanted on criminal charges by the Maltese Police.  I had thought that Bradley had parted company with the charlatan, liar and fraudster Meyer in April but the Ariadne website, as you can see below, suggests otherwise. 

I put this to Bradley who said that he had asked Meyer to remove this – can you blame him? – and he would now ask again. Bradley is no longer providing services to Meyer’s crumbling empire.  So I asked if Bradley was owed any money by that empire? I asked repeatedly. Bradley repeatedly refused to answer.

Surely he could not be number 18 on the list? If there is a grim satisfaction for me for the grief I got from Ariadne is that the man who penned its lawyers letters may not have been paid for his work.  He just will not say. 

The irony of my encounters was that while Ariadne wanted me to remove articles that were accurate to preserve the “reputation” of Julie Meyer, she used lies pedalled by those who had sent me death threats for my fraudbusting work on Quindell as the basis of wholly defamatory Linked posts about me! Eventually as Meyer started libelling a range of others LinkedIn had to step in to stop her. 

More double standards for tea vicar? Anyhow as Bradley, understandably, distances himself from Ariadne as the authorities tighten the net on the collapsing empire, here are the 17 lawyers we know have not been paid what Meyer’s companies owed them. Is Bradley Number 18? 

AC Tischendorf 

Kaye Scholer 

Memery Crystal 

White & Case 


GQ Employment

Law Fletcher Day


Clifford Chance

Wedlake Bell

MJ Hudson

Arnold & Porter

Crowell & Moring


Dannemann Siemsen

Osbourne Clarke

Soroker Agmon Nordman 


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