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Another bad day for Julie Meyer as she tries to gag whistleblowers - @ariadnebankrupt is back!

By Tom Winnifrith | Saturday 26 May 2018


Last week I reported that twitter had suspended the account of @ariadnebankrupt which is run by a whistleblower and has exposed all sort of damaging material on Julie "lingerie on expenses" Meyer's crumbling empire. In the face of a blizzard of letters from Meyer's latest lawyer, Julian Pike of Farrer & Co, the account was silenced. Bad news is back

The account holder made representations to twitter that he had not - as he had been accused of - defamed Meyer but had whistleblower rights and, moreover, that all his tweets were backed by hard evidence. And thus twitter has lifted the suspension and the tweets have started again.

I am not sure if Meyer has paid Pike yet or if he is set to join the list of 11, or is it 12, lawyers who have failed to secure payment from the devout Christian. But on the off chance she has paid him for his work in gagging critics perhaps she might ask for a partial refund.

At least Pike has managed, pro tem, to stop the hosting company medium from allowing another whistleblower,John Galt, to post although it still hosts thoroughly defamatory articles by Julie Meyer as I noted here. But the tide is turning so let's see how long that attempt to gag legitimate criticism of a woman wanted on criminal charges, manages to hold firm.

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