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The most damning Winnileaks yet Julie Meyer invents time machine, uses Meyer Maths to create bogus profits and assets in Malta

By Tom Winnifrith | Wednesday 23 May 2018


This is the most damning Winnileaks yet. It is a whatapp conversation on 14-16 February 2018 between devout Christian Julie "lingerie on expenses" Meyer and what she terms the "inner circle". Ms Meyer says she is "reaching out to ALL the people who are on our side". Hmmm you so sure Julie about ALL of them? This is massive and shows that Julie Meyer is quite simply a fantasist. It will blow your mind.

The context is that on 15 February 2018 Julie issued a release claiming that in its first year of operations her Maltese operation, Ariadne Capital Malta Limited, had done terribly well reporting €5,247,915 of Net Assets and €2,818,932 of Profit Before Tax. Oddly she was at the same time telling the IRS that it had no cash. What follows suggests that - about this, if not her undisclosed Swiss income, Ms Meyer was being honest with the IRS and the press release - the numbers are unaudited and there is no sign of an annual report yet - is sheer fantasy.

But perhaps I am just not as good at accountancy as Julie. After all, she is - as you will see below - "freaking clever than God." Since I am not a devout Christian like Julie I would not be in a position to comment on that, my relationship with the Almighty is clearly less close than that of Ms Meyer.

You will remember that in calendar 2016 Ariadne Capital Limited in London made a "profit" of c£3 million and ended the year with assets of c£7 million and net assets of c£4 million. In December it went into administration and the administrator Leonard Curtis has not been able to realise a cent of those assets - they were nearly all trade receivables, largely from Julie Meyer run entities with no cash.

What Julie proposes is that Ariadne Malta buys those worthless assets for £0 from the administrator leaving the liabilities behind. It can then book an immediate profit because the assets really are worth what they were in the Ariadne London books at  - use Julie's time travel machine - to move that back to the prior year and then report a huge asset backing and profits. Genius. 

The conversation has been passed to administrators Leonard Curtis. I somehow doubt that it will be impressed and will play along with Ms Meyer's plans.  If so the MFSA will perhaps take even more of an interest in her claims about Ariadne Capital Group Limited in Malta. 



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