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Laughable Julie Meyer press release tries to explain Maltese FSA suspension - but its all fake news from Farrer & Co

By Tom Winnifrith | Sunday 13 May 2018


Another day and another fake news press release lands from cash strapped devout Christian Julie Meyer signed off by her new lawyer from Farrer & Co. Gosh I want to see the Farrer bitchez in Court on this one... On Friday the Maltese regulator the MSFA suspended Meyer's license to operate on the island (and thus under passporting rules anywhere in the EU) and made a damning statement as you can see HERE. Meyer's response is fake news so I serve it up with a Shareprophets translation service. Fake News from Farrer & Co is in italics.

Ariadne Capital Group Limited Clarifies MFSA Licence in Malta Announcement

We saw the damning coverage in the Maltese press and on ShareProphets and were alerted to the fact that the dozy tossers on the UK deadwood press were on the case 36 hours after averyone else so to reinforce the line we fed to the Sunday Times we thought we'd issuje a fake news press release.

The Maltese Financial Service Authority on Friday (11 May), simultaneously wrote to Ariadne Capital Malta Limited
(ACML) and issued a Press Release announcing it had withdrawn ACML's regulatory licence. This co-ordinated action should be seen in its proper context.

Yes it should. That contact being that Julie Meyer has fled Malta to avoid criminal charges and is being investigated by the FCA, HMRC and other agencies outside of Malta.

ACML has not been conducting any regulated business and does not intend to do so.

No but the EU passport it gives allows Meyer to manage a fund in the UK and to raise money from investors for companies. Not that she does either very well or on any scale.

Of immediate relevance to the MFSA's announcement is the fact that ACML informed the MFSA on Tuesday 8 May that it wished to close its business in Malta because of the MFSA's failure to process basic administrative tasks, as well as needing to protect shareholder interests by operating in a secure legal and business environment. Sadly, the MFSA's response to ACML's closure notice vindicates the decision to leave Malta.

The MSFA started to investigate Ariadne and Meyer in November 2017. The statement to this effect by the MSFA has been corroborated by a whistleblower to whom I spoke to today. On April 16 2018 the MSFA called her in for a major dressing down warning her that a license suspension was almost certainly on the cards as a result of an ongoing investigation.

On 25 April Meyer fled Malta ahead of a criminal trial at which, after her no show, the magistrate instructed the Police to hunt her down. She has since refused to return to Malta.

On Wednesday 2nd May the MSFA informed Meyer that the license of Ariadne was going to be suspended. The announcement was only delayed, until after Meyer announced that she was "finishing with you first" because Julian Pike at Farrer & Co fired off various missives to the MSFA threatening it if it went ahead.

An announcement will follow about Ariadne's Capital Group Limited's future business operations.

The only unregulated activity Meyer operates is her events business but with only 17 folks paying for tickets to her last big conference and with speakers pulling out of her next planned event faster than you can say "Praise the Lord" that does not look very exciting does it. Is that the events business which has a cash crisis as exposed HERE today? Er.. yes.
Clearly Meyer has served up A1 fake news. But the UK deadwood press will probably buy it anyway.

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