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A share tip from Tom Winnifrith, The Mark Slater show video, a 1 billion fraud & more problems for Julie Meyer

By Tom Winnifrith | Friday 4 May 2018


And that is just part of today's content here on ShareProphets. Coming up later there are 2 more buy tips, 5 more videos a cracking bearcast and much more. But....

Some of this content (Slater, the bearcast, my share tip) are for paying customers only. £5.99 a month is justified on today's output alone!

You could of course pay nothing and enjoy 3 free articles a month, but not Slater, my share tip or any bearcasts, nor for that matter Luke Johnson over the weekend or the bears Matt Earl & Lucian Miers at UK Investor or... well that would be telling.

In breaking the 1 billion fraud overnight this website again showed the guts that the mainstream press do not have. We have cojones the FT et al have no balls at all.

Don't miss out on our premium content and support our great fraud busting at the same time... all for less than the cost of one glass of wine. Sign up for immediate access HERE

Tom Winnifrith

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Time left: 17:29:22