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Notes from Underground - Top 20: It's Woodford all the way down

By Darren Atwater | Sunday 9 June 2019

Disclosure: I have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from ShareProphets). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

So, did my plan last week to zoom this column to the Top of the Pops by putting in a pandering Bitcoin infographic work? No, it did not.

It actually dropped six places, to #47. I could accept that the readers of ShareProphets are not susceptiible to such obvious click bait. But I could also accept that this shows that interest in Bitcoin has truly plummeted and a bad risk is even riskier now.

* * * 

The most-read non-Tom story, excluding Bearcasts, is What now as Woodford Equity Income Fund suspends trading? Shimples: carnage - China Syndrome time by Nigel Somerville at a terrific #3 or, if you include Bearcasts, also #3. We can only assume this may be a perma spot for Nigel as long as Woodford fever continues.
* * * 

Our top 10 most-read stories this week were:

  1. Video: Tom Winnifrith exposes Neil Woodford back in April 2018 - so far ahead of any other journalist
  2. Diversified Gas & Oil – surely a stonking short – I guide you to some amazing research
  3. What now as Woodford Equity Income Fund suspends trading? Shimples: carnage - China Syndrome time
  4. Breaking News: Dealing in units in Neil Woodford's flagship fund suspended until further notice
  5. Who made the worst Neil Woodford call? Egg on Face Contest
  6. Letter to WPCT Chair Susan Searle – suspend the shares, fire Neil Woodford for misleading us at AGM & strategic review asap
  7. Neil Woodford – let the carnage commence: Card Factory
  8. Shocking New Neil Woodford video: stumbling, incoherent, in parts misleading
  9. Neil Woodford blows another £50 million of other people’s money as profit warning from falling knife Kier triggers 40% collapse
  10. Another after hours utter Neil Woodford SHOCKER – Worthless Proton calls him for £25m, so who will pay?
  11. How soon will Woodford Investment management go bust?
  12. Dear Kent County Council…….
  13. Fat Bastard Malcolm Graham Wood & the Bulletin Board Morons time to apologise – Frontera Resources officially a zero
  14. OptiBiotix – ProBiotix development continues and a director buys: BUY
  15. A Dog Day for Neil Woodford - how long before Woodford Investment Management is toast?
  16. CORRECTION: Neil Woodford – a better day today! (All things are relative, not fired by anyone till late afternoon)
  17. Big Dish – why is this not slam dunk market abuse? Hung by its own words as placing announced
  18. An Open Letter to Susan Searle at WPCT No 2 – Neil Woodford must be fired now to save our company
  19. Diversified Gas & Oil Reported to FRC – IFRS 3 why its accounts are a joke and need mammoth restatement
  20. Neil Woodford’s flagship Equity Income Fund – May scores-on-the-doors as the losses and redemptions pile up and the noose tightens

The most-listened to Bearcasts this week were:

  1. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Let us all take a minute to feel sorry for Neil Woodford...only kidding
  2. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Mark Dampier of Hargreaves trousers £5.6m days before the Woodford shite hits the fan, having been the ramper in chief
  3. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the latest Novum/Aberdeenman POS ramp deconstructed & asking the fuzz to investigate two old friends
  4. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: helping the FCA with its enquiries
  5. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Diversified Gas cannot respond - is it the best short on AIM?
  6. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Hey dumbfuck clients of Cenkos give me $225m and I'll offer you a 10% yield
  7. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I want to call an EGM to sack the entire board at WPCT unless they fire Neil Woodford, who will join me?
  8. Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Sam Antar needs to give Diversified Gas & Oil a masterclass
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