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The fifty most-read articles and fifty most-listened-to Bearcasts of 2019

By Darren Atwater | Wednesday 1 January 2020


This is quite possibly the most successful year for ShareProphets sccops and stories. Julie Meyer, Neil Woodford, those wacky wonderkids at Burford—didn't we all have a fun year? Here are the stories and Bearcasts that moved your fellow ShareProphets members. Of course some folks think it is not worth £5.99 to catch all these market moving articles and exposes...
  1. Video: Tom Winnifrith exposes Neil Woodford back in April 2018 - so far ahead of any other journalist
  2. BREAKING: Gotham City set to issue Burford short dossier this weekend
  3. Muddy Waters set to destroy London company at 8 AM Wednesday - is it Burford?
  4. Newman and the world of PC mattresses
  5. Please follow Adam Reynolds & his Mrs (Susan Dando): Nine Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks update – last year we raised £26,000: in 2019, so far…
  6. Bulletin Board Moron of the Week Contest – surely this Bidstack loon cannot be beaten
  7. Burford Capital – a screaming short?
  8. And so the fascist - and totally bonkers lawyers letter to Tom Winnifrith is from...we publish in full
  9. Shorted AIM shares at the start of 2019
  10. London and Capital Finance – a sea of red flags involving a Tory party grandee and a Dodgy Solicitor
  11. Updated # 2- SVS Securities shutting down
  12. A senior accountant looks at Burford Capital
  13. After London & Capital Finance, another mini-bond I'm nervous about - promoted by West Ham
  14. Bulletin Board Moron of the Week Contest – Versarien edition
  15. Diversified Gas & Oil – surely a stonking short – I guide you to some amazing research
  16. Bulletin Board Moron of the Week Contest – April Fool & Frontera dreamer Edition (DEADLINE TODAY)
  17. Will Panorama credit the folk who exposed Neil Woodford on Monday: here are our top 50 exposes since 2015
  18. Amber Rudd’s pal Simon Hume Kendall, the SFO, arrests, London Oil & Gas administration – ouzo time at ShareProphets
  19. Independent Oil & Gas Plc – are the shares a zero? A detailed look at the maths of the FCA Raid…
  20. Neil Woodford: the stench of greed, the smell of failure is now dwarfed by the odour of bullshit, which the MSM swallows in full
  21. A lawyer acting for a scumbag threatens me as I carry my Uncle's Coffin - here is his letter
  22. A Two VITAL questions Letter to Amber Rudd MP about the stolen £65,000 & London & Capital Finance
  23. Why is Nigel Wray, Britain's Buffett, invested in this stock?
  24. Has Tory Minister Mark Field announced a multi million pound deal for Optibiotix?
  25. Neil Woodford disaster Halosource – the game is almost over & it's a wipeout
  26. SHOCKER!! How much dividend did Neil Woodford take for losing his investors’ cash? Unacceptable Greed exposed
  27. Management Resource Solutions – an open letter to Nomad Arden: suspend the shares NOW!
  28. Fleet Street Legend Brian Basham writes to Amber Rudd MP demanding her local and national party repays stolen cash
  29. #BoycottDominos: £325,000 a year boss despises 17.4m of us, jokes about our deaths
  30. BREAKING – Rob Terry walks away from public life – did the SFO pounce on the Quindell fraudster last week?
  31. Letter to AIM regulation and FCA re Bidstack – request for investigation into market abuse & more
  32. IN THREE DAYS: Enjoy an audience with Gervais Williams (AND the cheapest stock on AIM) - book a free seat now
  33. Tom Winnifrith and Gary Newman in top four market abusers & liars on AIM - its "official", reported to FCA
  34. The curse of Beaufort strikes again - Gavin Burnell & Andrew Gutmann have left the Novum Building
  35. EXCLUSIVE: Reabold – Winnileaks strikes again, up to £30 million placing set to be announced 8 October
  36. A final word from myself & Steve O’Hara on Thirsty Paul Scott’s attempted hatchet job on Optibiotix
  37. Julie "Under FCA Criminal investigation" Meyer completely loses plot – claims “known fraudster” Tom Winnifrith going to prison
  38. EXPLOSIVE: Has Hargreaves Lansdown been telling investors to buy Neil Woodford’s Equity Income Fund when it was selling?
  39. Breaking: Neil Woodford under formal FCA investigation, flagship fund was being monitored from April 2018
  40. EXPOSE: Ooh Err Mrs … carry on droning
  41. Julie Meyer - my response to fascist lawyers letter, time for me to go to the North Wales Police
  42. Top shorted London-listed shares at the start of 2019
  43. EXPOSE: Bidstack: Placing underway and struggling after nine days
  44. Updated 2: Has Daniel Stewart gone tits up? Almost......
  45. Purplebricks – catastrophic warning: target price 0p
  46. Optibiotix – another day another deal, but a question...
  47. Photo Article: The veteran rogue bloggers complete the walk to Woodlarks
  48. What now as Woodford Equity Income Fund suspends trading? Shimples: carnage - China Syndrome time
  49. Burford Capital is an "accounting fiasco" - Muddy Waters publishes damning report
  50. BREAKING: Julie Meyer to face Judge under Oath after fresh legal setback



  1. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 7 emails from Julie Meyer's lawyer, IQE placing a dead cert & Doc Holliday either very right or 100% wrong
  2. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the Sheriff battles Neil Woodford at WPCT AGM
  3. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: AAOG £4m placing at 10p? And what do IFA's who have stuffed clients into Woodford do now?
  4. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: As Neill Rickets steals Adam Reynolds' keyboard I agree with Neil Woodford
  5. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The placed Neil Woodford "scoop" in the Sunday Times - read through the spin, it could be endgame by July 1
  6. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Let us pray for Thirsty Paul Scott and his boss Ed at Stockopedia
  7. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A very old GF was just too "nice" - why the FCA & other regulators are so totally fecking useless
  8. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I want to call an EGM to sack the entire board at WPCT unless they fire Neil Woodford, who will join me?
  9. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Reviewing my portfolio
  10. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - does the Wolf of Wall Street have British cousins?
  11. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Minoan, be careful what you wish for
  12. Why is Nigel Wray, Britain's Buffett, invested in this stock?
  13. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the 2 reasons why I am not at UK Investor, a lying CEO and now it's gloves off time
  14. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: if you wait by the river for long enough...
  15. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: a Missing cat and an attempt to shut down this website
  16. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: should Neil Woodford go to prison?
  17. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Optibiotix, Thomas Cook, Rutherford & Neil Woodford's Reputation - 3 of 4 are near as damn it worthless
  18. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Luke Johnson is THE acceptable face of capitalism, Frontera (which is not), 1 day to go
  19. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - a hot tip from Brokerman Dan
  20. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Bidstack a buy? Atlantic Capital spivs are taking the piss
  21. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Neil Woodford's spivvery and what about Sosandar?
  22. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 2 stocks I own, mega bullish on one, mega bearish on the other - guess which?
  23. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - my hottest tip yet
  24. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - explaining gross margins at Optibiotix
  25. Tom Winnifrith and Gary Newman in top four market abusers & liars on AIM - its "official", reported to FCA
  26. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Not grabbing Mrs Chav's Pussy and as Julie Meyer threatens myself and Nigel Wray - how I will respond
  27. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 17 million F*ck Offs
  28. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Mark Dampier of Hargreaves trousers £5.6m days before the Woodford shite hits the fan, having been the ramper in chief
  29. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the origin of the word bugger, Versarien & AAOG £9m fund raise ahoy!
  30. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast; That knob Bryce Elder at the FT plus the Hargreaves Neil Woodford scandal is about to explode
  31. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - this is the next mega financial scandal & the FCA has been asleep at the wheel
  32. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Why Julie Meyer was the odd one out & the mystery of Toople and what it did not say
  33. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: a tale of two Morons - Craig the IOG shareholder and a chap called Neil
  34. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Do 13 year old mothers today still use Mothercare?
  35. Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Wrestling with my conscience on Yourgene, Down Syndrome and abortion
  36. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - egg on face as BCA gets a PE bid
  37. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Some cracking news for Neil Woodford, I'm a shareholder now!
  38. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Chamberlain exonerated, Theresa May now officially the worst Prime Minister Ever
  39. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The tide is going out so is Avril Palmer-Baunack wearing a swimsuit at all?
  40. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Bear Raid on Future PLC - shares could still halve from here
  41. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: who has been daft enough to send me a fascist lawyers letter
  42. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Jeremy Hunt's kind words for a fraudster who stole from you and me
  43. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Mr Angry on the Yourgene front
  44. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Let us all take a minute to feel sorry for Neil Woodford...only kidding
  45. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Oi Peterhouse you Vermin - acting for a man who jokes about my mother's suicide
  46. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the corruption of the deadwood press - Lucy Burton, the Sunday Telegraph and Saga
  47. Tom Winnifrith (bad language special) Bearcast: Daniel Stewart & Pinsent Masons in the dock (Christmas comes early)
  48. Tom Winnfrith Bearcast: Brexit bollocks, the real threats to the economy, Crest Nicholson's dividend and Charlie & Lola
  49. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast on this Brexit betrayal day: Answering a Neil Woodford question for Roger Lawson.
  50. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: My fecking feet are killing me & will Neil Woodford's Waterloo be in Guernsey
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