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#BoycottDominos: £325,000 a year boss despises 17.4m of us, jokes about our deaths

By Tom Winnifrith | Wednesday 27 March 2019


On £325,000 a year life is sweet for David Bauernfeind, the CFO of Domino's Pizza (DOM). Ok, franchisees are in revolt and the shares have tanked by 30% over the past year so you'd have thought as he weighed his salary he'd be busy fighting fires. Au contraire, go to his twitter account @dbauernfeinduk and you will find that he is tweeting like a dervish, not with special offers of two pizzas tasting of cardboard for £19.99 but about Brexit. If you are one of the 17.4 million who voted for Brexit what you will see will shock you, for this fat cat seems to despise we little people and jokes about our death. I, for one, will #BoycottDominos and you may wish to consider whether you want to support the bloated pay packet of a man who looks down on you in this way.

The fat cat retweets a number of gems. Yesterday there was a tweet from Guardian columnist Owen Jones likening Tory ERG MPs to the Norwegian fascist mass murderer Anders Breivik. The Domino's man retweeted that, so endorsing a foul smear. He retweeted numerous photos of the Losers March on Saturday with a range of plac ards insulting we 17.4 million plebs. Below is a RT  suggesting Theresa may is mad and nasty.  Just how does such a comment on mental illness fit in with the pages of guff in the Domino's annual report about tolerance, diversity and other matters? 

But the coup de grace is a tweet to Nigel Farage discussing the death of 800,000 leave voters. Does Mr Bauernfeind not recognise that many Domino's customers voted leave and to have these deaths commented on in such a manner is profoundly offensive?

I use Domino's about once a year but going forward that will be no times a year. I will not give my custom to a company whose senior management clearly despise me and so many others simply because we defierd the "experts" and want our country to be free.




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