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Notes from Underground – Most read articles for the week ending 27 July

By Darren Atwater | Sunday 28 July 2024


Here are the most read articles and the most listened-to Bearcasts over the past seven days. The most read non-Tom article last week is by Nigel Somerville, with Centamin – Interim Results And Raised Dividend (Hooray!) at No 4 or No 11 including Bearcasts. 

The most-read ShareProphets articles this week were:

  1. BREAKING: Upland Resources, who is telling the truth about Block SK334? A £40m valuation is a joke
    Upland Resources (UPL) has today issued an RNS stating that all is on track at its sole targeted asset Block SK 334 in Sarawak but what it says appears to be wholly contradicted by a statement from the state oil company Petros. So is Upland playing fast and loose with the truth yet again?

  2. Peterhouse: a private briefing note on Optibiotix ( natch we publish in full)
    As corporate broker to Optibiotix (OPTI) Peterhouse will get a direct steer on what it can or cannot say. Late last week it sent an email to selected clients with no forecasts but an overview which is of note. The underlines towards the end are from me and are why I think that the shares, now 28p, could well treble by Christmas. Peterhouse writes:

  3. Stuart Ashman acts like a dumb prick again as death spiral closed
    This is good news from Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX): there will be no more death spiral selling as the last £480,000 of the facility arrange by fraud enabler Charles Ofori has been converted into shares placed with one existing and several new investors. But…

  4. Centamin – Interim Results And Raised Dividend (Hooray!)
    Fully-listed Egyptian Gold producer Centamin (CEY) offered up half-year results to June this morning. With Gold having increased in price, I was hoping for a decent set of numbers and the first sign of increased dividend payments since the ground movement fiasco shortly after the current management team took office. 

  5. Kefi Gold & Copper – AGM Statement, share price catalysts in the next few “pivotal” months. Strong Buy
    Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) has issued a progress update in conjunction with its AGM in Ethiopia as there are also meetings with its financing and government partners for the Tulu Kapi gold project in the country. This “AGM Statement” provides further confidence from a 0.675p share price, not far above £40 million market capitalisation.

  6. Brand Architekts – full-year trading update, still a balance sheet-supported recovery Buy
    Beauty products group Brand Architekts (BAR) has issued a trading update including that its full year to end-June sales are expected to be circa £17 million down from a prior year £20.1 million, but that is in line with expectations as it continues to implement a brand rationalisation strategy and that it “retains a healthy net cash position of c. £7m at the year-end”. What about this from a current 29p share price, £8.1 million market cap?

  7. Tortilla Mexican about yesterday’s warning, is it a cork or a wave?
    I commented in bearcast about yesterday’s lack of real profits warning from Tortilla Mexican Grill (MEX).The company cites certain one off factors for a 5.9% fall in L4L sales but is that the whole truth?

  8. DETAILED BOMBSHELL EXPOSE: Mining, Minerals & Metals – Prospectus full of financial reporting errors and other red flags
    I have now read through the Mining, Minerals & Metals PLC (MMM) Prospectus for the Proposed Acquisition of Georgina Energy Plc via an RTO in more detail. I first flagged this up as a joke at the weekend HERE but this gets far worse. It has numerous errors in the included financial information and a number of red flags. I highlight the items I noted below:

  9. Skinbiotherapeutics: More cynical behaviour with your death spiral vicar?
    It was not that long ago that the bearded poltroon Stuart Ashman said he was going to replace the death spiral facility he had negotiated with disgraced prospectus fraud enabler Charles Ofori and now managed by Macquarie. Of course, that did not happen.

  10. In the land where a third of the population are descended from convicts they know how to deal with chatroom pump & dumpers
    In the UK there are constant calls for new laws to deal with stockmarket criminals, more money for the grossly overpaid woke morons at the FCA to deal with white collar crime. All that is needed is to use existing laws to deal with crime, prosecute a few folks pour encourager les autres and the problems might start to go away. In Australia, the Land of Lenigas and McIllree, they know what to do. The Sydney Morning Herald reports today “Four face jail time over ‘pump and dump’ scam on messaging app.” Does this ring any UK bells?

The most listened-to Bearcasts this week were:

  1. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Something of the night about Upland
  2. In today's podcast I look at Upland Resources (UPL),Eight Capital (ECP) and the Zamboni empire, Mining, Minerals and Metals (MMM),Optibiotix (OPTI), Ceres Power (CWR), Argo Blockchain (ARB) and Blackbird (BIRD). Then a note on Sharestock, a chance to meet Olaf's b/f and much more.

  3. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: owning shed loads of the two biggest risers today, well I never
    So much to do, so little time ahead of a 2 AM departure to Greece. Not least ice cream making for Sharestock. In today's podcast I look at Optibiotix (OPTI) and nailing fake rumours Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX), IQE (IQE), the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME),Zephyr Energy (ZPHE),Eden Research (EDEN) and Sharesoc and also at Ocean Harvest Technology (OHT). 

  4. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: wildlife diversity report from the Greek Hovel, 4 mad valuations and a cheeky Friday value buy, a 20 bagger?
    I start with life at the hovel then look at what is going on at World Chess (CHSS), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Pennpetro (PPP),Nightcap (NGHT) and Panthera Resources (PAT) 

  5. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: farewell Biden, Harland & Wolff and the Housebuilder's reason to build 1.5m new homes
    What does the Biden bombshell mean for gold and the markets. Nothing and here's why. Labour cannot square the circle on housebuilding and lessons from Harland & Wolff (HARL) as the Fat Lady enters the shipyard.

  6. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Putting Carol Vorderman straight on numbers
    I start with lies, damned lies and statistics and a maths lesson for Carol. Then it is Vast Resources (VAST), Versarien (VRS) and Tortilla Mexican (MEX) and now to bed.

  7. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: water, water everywhere
    I start with a water report from uber hot Greece. Then it is Upland Resources (UPL), Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT), Judges Scientific (JDG), Regtech Open (RTOP), Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and this abject regulatory failure which stains the whole London market 

  8. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: God punishes me, I am laid low with covid
    I deserve this punishment. I marvel at what a disease covid is. I have it and am laid low so restricting my output. For that I apologise. With hindsight it has been affecting me for a few days so maybe I am already past or at the worst of it.
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