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Notes from Underground – Most read articles for the week ending 24 August

By Darren Atwater | Sunday 25 August 2024


Here are the most read articles and the most listened-to Bearcasts over the past seven days. The most read non-Tom article last week is Junior Gold Stocks And Mr Market: His Folly, Your Opportunity by Nigel Somerville at number five or number 13 including Bearcasts. 

The most-read ShareProphets articles this week were:

  1. BREAKING: The silence of Andrew “piggy” Austin of IGAS infamy: short Kistos on Norwegian disaster he's not telling you about
    Amazingly the only RNS from Kistos (KIST) so far today is inconsequential drivel about the UK 33rd licensing round. For over in Norway there is massive news and it is not good.

  2. Will Optibiotix make a profit next year? Emails with Steve O’Hara on whose numbers the shares might quadruple within 18 months
    You may well say that this a question I have posed more or less every year for the past half decade. And I have been hopeful only for those hopes to be dashed. Mr. Market feels the same way and that is why shares in Optibiotix (OPTI) are, at, just 24.25p.

  3. One of three small caps to gain 50%+ by Christmas considers HotStockRockets as the gold price moves up to $2,500+...
    The gold price per ounce is now up to above $2,450 (now $2,500), yet most gold stocks remain unloved. Here that looks to also reflect small/mid cap stocks generally also remaining unloved but there is now increasing commentary of that general value opportunity and we consider there is extra opportunity with such gold stocks as the gold price trend suggests the $2,500 psychological barrier could be topped in the next weeks with the subsequent potential to drive real sector excitement. In such a sector environment, we consider the following to gain 50% or more from by Christmas.

  4. This video did not age well, the Georgina Energy aborted floats and apparently it’s going to sue me: see you in court bitchez!
    Another day and more hate mail arrives from deranged shareholders in Georgina Energy (GEX) with Neil McCarthy the most deranged of the lot. His missive reads:

  5. Junior Gold Stocks And Mr Market: His Folly, Your Opportunity
    I was struck by Tom Winnifrith’s Bearcast yesterday in which he wondered about junior Gold stocks and how Mr Market’s valuation of them perhaps reflected the crash. The thing is, I’m not sure he’s quite right (woe betide me!!)

  6. Angling Direct – trading update, “a robust revenue performance”? And what about the bottom-line?
    Fishing tackle and equipment retailer Angling Direct (ANG) has issued a “trading update” emphasising “performance reflected the success of the work on third party ranging and availability, an increasingly compelling own brand offer and the growth of the MyAD omni-channel customer loyalty club to over 330k subscribers (January 2024: 220k)… provides further confidence”. It has currently helped the shares up to 37p, but what of that still below above 40p earlier this year and as recently as May?

  7. BREAKING: Bluejay gets bailout placing away but what about the legal letters?
    After ramping hard with helium and hydrogen spoofery to get its shares up to 0.65p last month Bluejay Mining (JAY) has managed to raise £1.75million( gross) , call it a Bernie and a half net, at just 0.3p. Gone are the good old days when Nomad and joint broker SP Angel was selling its own shares at 10p or more while telling mug punters the shares were worth 44p. But, again, there is something badly wrong here.

  8. Novacyt: there was no MPOX bonanza, shares collapse as I predicted
    We are not allowed to call it MonkeyPox any more as the virus comes from Africa so that would be racist. I kid you not, that is why it is called MPOX and it is the latest scare story from the folks who insisted that we all lock ourselves inside for months to stop a disease where, unless you have a co-morbidity issue the survival rate was 99.99%. Anyhow unless you have lots of casual gay sex you, will as a European, probably will not catch MPOX either and if you do you are exceedingly unlikely to die.

  9. EXPLOSIVE Winnleaks reveals lawyers letter to Bluejay Mining, fraud allegations and worse
    Twice since December Bluejay Mining (JAY) has raised money in placings. But what it has neglected to tell placees or indeed anyone via RNS is the legal threats it faces. Thanks to Winnileaks and a dynamite letter sent yesterday, which you can see below, I can now expose this.

The most listened-to Bearcasts this week were:

  1. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the dreams may be sweet but Steve O'Hara sends me to sleep
    I start with a few more words about Sharestock and also salmon price inflation. Then it is the scandal at Shuka Minerals (SKA) the Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) and Optibiotix (OPTI)

  2. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: can nobody answer my simple Helium question?
    I repeat the question from a room smelling like, I imagine, a whore's boudoir might smell. I also discuss Optibiotix (OPTI), Technology Minerals (TM1), Georgina Energy (GEX) and Ariana (AAU) and how much of a long term investor I am.

  3. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the bursting hydrogen bubble and when do gold juniors whoosh?
    I start with 3 personal triumphs; wood, blood sugar and ice cream. Then the hydrogen bubble referencing stories HERE and HERE. The the gold juniors including the ultimate penny dreadful Red Rock Resources (RRR)

  4. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Oh just feck off Alan I don't want your ffing seven quid as a prepare for a Bluejay bombshell tomorrow
    Life is all too short and so Alan Simpson can just feck off. I explain and also relay my latest exasperations with the ffing NHS. Then onto Bluejay (JAY) and a scandal that c/o Winnileaks I shall blow up tomorrow, Celadon(CEL), Petrofac (PFC), Roquefort (ROQ) and Ariana Resources (AAU).

  5. Tom Winnfrith Bearcast: looking back to the dot com crash as I consider gold juniors, musicMagpie is a zero and is Eurasia bust yet?
    I start looking back to the dotcom crash as a reminder of how much investors can hate a sector irrationally, I look at musicMagpie (MMAG)and Eurasia Mining (EUA) and finally URGENT words for those who have booked seats at Sharestock but also for those who have not as we still have room for a handful more guests on 7 September HERE 

  6. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: time to end my lifetime bear on Rosslyn Data?
    In today's Bearcast I look at Rosslyn Data (RDT), Kistos (KIST),Celadon Pharmaceuticals (CEL),Hellenic Dynamics (HELD),the dog ate my homework and Cykel AI (CYK)

  7. Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Rome Resources, a 20 bagger or another Jerry "oil slick" Keen duffer
    A solar farmer came to see me yesterday and Rome Resources (RMR) is his hot share tip. Is, at 0.265p, he correct?

  8. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: balanced and considered thoughts on the BlueJay Mining scandal
    Today's bearcast is prompted by this bombshell Winnileaks expose HERE. What i offer is a balanced and considered view of who has what questions to answer.
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