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Notes from Underground – Most read articles for the week ending 20 July

By Darren Atwater | Sunday 21 July 2024


Here are the most read articles and the most listened-to Bearcasts over the past seven days. The most read non-Tom article last week is by Steve Moore, with Strip Tinning – “Significant wins in H1 set to drive future growth”. Er, what about the material lack-of-profits warning?! at No 1 or No 8 including Bearcasts. 

The most-read ShareProphets articles this week were:

  1. Strip Tinning – “Significant wins in H1 set to drive future growth”. Er, what about the material lack-of-profits warning?!
    Previously writing on company describing itself as “a leading supplier of specialist connection systems to the automotive sector” Strip Tinning (STG), in June with the shares up to 67.5p I though considered the current year loss to actually be even worse than anticipated and to still avoid. What of now a trading update headlined “Significant wins in H1 set to drive future growth, despite current market headwinds”, but the shares slumping from even a most recent close 51.5p?

  2. Avacta: when she was up she was up and when she was down she was down
    Having seen its shares slide to c40p, Avacta (AVCT) bulls were cheering last week as the stock topped 80p. Brown envelope man said it was certain to race higher and the bulls cheered. “burn shorters burn” they cried. Today the shares are 66p and falling so what has changed other than the share price?

  3. City Grandee Sir Nigel Rudd and Destiny Pharma serve up damning critique of AIM as they abandon the casino
    Quite simply, Sir Nigel warns that Destiny Pharma (DEST) will go bust if it stays on AIM. If it delists he reckons it might survive. This is no penny dreadful. Destiny is a properly managed company and Rudd is a well-respected BSD so these words will hurt.

  4. The great Tim Martin of ‘Spoons savages TUC boss Paul Nowak
    Yesterday the Sunday Telegraph carried an interview with Paul Nowak of the Trades Union Congress in which he stated “Labour is coming for 'c----- employers' like Wetherspoons.” Sadly he got all his facts wrong and Tim Martin has put him in his place.

  5. Crossword Cybersecurity – I having warned in a still-challenging financing environment, what about its now “Equity fundraising”?
    There’s an “Equity fundraising incl. Director's subscription”-titled announcement from ‘cyber strategy and risk’-focused Crossword Cybersecurity (CCS) today commencing that the company “is pleased to announce that it has raised gross proceeds of approximately £500,500”. So what of a current more than 23% lower share price response to 5.25p?

  6. The View From The Montana Log-Cabin As Gold Threatens All-Time High
    Gold closed the week at $2,410 – a good improvement on last week’s $2,389 and back over the $2,400 mark. Indeed, it closed around 1% off its all-time high. One might have suggested a new high point is on the cards within days but the assassination attempt overnight on Donald Trump, in my view, now makes that a certainty. What grim times we live in.

  7. The madness and stupidity of defaming Avacta shareholder oinkers: lets go back to the £1 billion Quindell fraud
    The barrage of, often defamatory, abuse and trolling I am getting from shareholders in Avacta (AVCT), furious about articles and podcasts they cannot read or hear as they are behind a paywall but which they insist are all false anyway, is not letting up. It is always a good sign for bears when a shareholder list contains so many certifiable nutters. Yesterday’s nutter of the day was @oinkers46558699 who posts:

  8. The ShareProphets Sunday Pub Quiz #249
    It's time for the ShareProphets Sunday Pub Quiz. There are still no prizes! And remember, no Googling!

  9. How much is a gold mine worth? How much do you want it to be worth? Centamin is prudent
    You may remember me picking up Kefi Gold& Copper (KEFI) for using rather optimistic assumptions to justify one valuation of its Tulu Kapi project. I still think its shares are dirt cheap it is just that Kefi was being a tad overaggressive. Today, Centamin (CEY), where I am also a loyal shareholder, shows how it is done.

  10. UPDATED: There is no London Stock Exchange RNS News: blame Bill Gates
    There are no RNS releases so far today with the LSE blaming a “3rd party global technical issue.” It is that man Bill Gates!

The most listened-to Bearcasts this week were:

  1. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: killer frogs, Alan Sugar slandering me, I'll tell you about the Aussie waitress tomorrow
    Yes, I am limbering up for my first trip to London for five years, to attend the Evening Standard City pages wake at a boozer on Fleet Street. We will again swap old battle tales from the black and white era. Today I mention the killer frogs and Alan Sugar slandering me. Maybe I shall tell you about the Aussie waitress at the general knowledge quiz tomorrow. Elsewhere I discuss why I am now bearish on housebuilders, Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX), its lack of a trading statement and three scenarios, and why Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) over eggs the pudding today and does not need to as its shares are still dirt cheap. Kefi's Harry Adams will be at Sharestock all day on 7 September if you want to quiz him yourself and, increasingly thinking it is my last show, I urge you, if you are coming, to book tickets today HERE

  2. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: time to sack Adam Reynolds at Probiotix or is it a lost cause whatever?
    In today's bearcast I discuss Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) and the hero of the hour, yours truly, Probiotix (PBX) and Technology Minerals (TM1) whose boss came to see me today.

  3. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Master Potts on a roll and Steve O'Hara should go on holiday more often
    In today's podcast I discuss Labour's mad attack on the UK North Sea, Graft Polymer (GPL), Optibiotix (OPTI), Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV) and Powerhouse Energy (PHE) and buy your Sharestock tickets now HERE I reveal a new ice cream for the day!
  4. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: red flag and other lessons from Harland & Wolff
    I hope Harland & Wolff (HARL) shares come back from suspension this week and then tank. I look at other companies sharing similar problems and showing similar red flags. there is also a brief comment on France and its election of its version of Jeremy Corbyn.

  5. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: should we care if Britvic is bought by foreigners?
    I start with France which is now an outright sell and end with early signs that Labour won't end well in the UK. In between Britvic (BVC), Technology Minerals (TM1), Hydrogen Utopia (HUI), Powerhouse (PHE) and StreaksAI (STK), a pointless company run by chancers.

  6. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The Aussie waitress story, the Sovereign Wealth Fund con, Dave Lenigas and the Oracle rampand more
    I leave shortly for the Evening Standard City pages "wake" and so offer up the story of the quiz and the Aussie waitress. Then it is Rachel Reeves and the Sovereign Wealth Fund joke, Oracle Power (ORCP), NightCap (NGHT) and Cel AI (CLAI).

  7. Tom Winnifrith photo bonus bearcast: chatting with Jo Hart of MidasA few reflections on my first trip to London in years and a Fleet Street wake for the Evening Standard City pages (see photo below) where I once worked as did Jo. We did chat.

  8. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: take profits on Lloyds before Labour bites, Carpetright's demise and Skinbiotherapeutics and those forecasts again
    It is a solo childcare weekend so I am running late. Apologies. I discuss Lloyds (LLOY) after Malcolm's piece earlier, Carpetright and its likely demise and Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) as well as Sharestock, if you are coming book HERE
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