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UPDATED: Has Tesco caved to the Jew haters – I ask the question & it appears not

By Tom Winnifrith | Wednesday 10 April 2024

Disclosure: I have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from ShareProphets). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Given the large number of folks who are boycotting Israeli goods and even defacing them and damaging them in supermarkets, I have made a point of buying as many Israeli products at possible in the family’s weekly shop at Tesco (TSCO), as I noted HERE. A core part of that shopping has been twin packs of Israeli avocados. Until Monday…

Those avocado twin packs are now from South Africa. Just as the packs of three peppers, which were once Israeli, are now from Spain. I now cannot find one Israeli fruit or vegetable to buy at Tesco’s big store in Wrecsam.

And so, on Monday night I put the question to the Tesco press office: are you no longer stocking the Israeli twin pack avocados and if not is that a response to activist pressure or is there another reason?

There was no answer to Monday’s email. On Tuesday just before lunch of some Israeli houmous still stocked by Tesco, I spoke to the press office who said that a member of the team was looking at it and would get back to me. Today, still with no response, I called again and was told that they were busy and might, yes might, get back to me. That, this is a legitimate journalist request is not denied but there seems no great appetite for answering a simple question.

Then this article  appeared and BANG a response but "not for attribution". But it seems that there is no change in policy and a kind reader points out that avocados are seasonal and are not harvested in Israel between May and November but are harvested in Zim South between April and September. So it may be seasonal.

Maybe i was wrong t smell a rat and was paranoid. But Tesco does not seem keen to proudly say "we still stock Israeli goods" and I will be keen to see whether I am able to buy any goods from Israel should I darken its stores again. The paranoia is understandable. A reader from the South East says:

Local restaurants have also removed the word Israeli from their menus. No longer offer Israeli hummus or Israeli flatbread. 
My wife asked why? They insisted it was nothing sinister."

Of course not.

I still think I will try Lidl next week to see if it offers any Israeli goods to buy. And until Tesco will go on the record saying it does buy from Israel I can't buy its shares. I do not invest in cowards. 
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