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Notes from Underground – Most read articles for the week ending 10 February

By Darren Atwater | Sunday 11 February 2024


Here are the most read articles and the most listened-to Bearcasts over the past seven days. The most read non-Quiz, non-Tom article last week is Steve Moore with Aptamer – argues “confidence in the board's new strategy continues to rise”. Er, what about that the share price continues to fall then? at No 1 or No 7 including Bearcasts. I am surprised that The readers have spoken about talking text is in second place though. 

The most-read ShareProphets articles this week were:

  1. Aptamer – argues “confidence in the board's new strategy continues to rise”. Er, what about that the share price continues to fall then?Previously on ‘affinity binders for enabling life sciences innovation’ group Aptamer (APTA), in December with its share up to 1.225p I cautioned “material agreement with genetic medicines company”, but what’s its cash down to now?. There followed an AGM Statement including that “the group has continued to build and convert the commercial pipeline”. So what of today a “Half Year Trading Update” including headings “Pipeline Opportunities Now Converting into Signed Deals” and “Strong Technical Progress Developing Binders for Gene Therapy and Immunohistochemistry Markets”… and the shares, in response, further down at currently 0.775p?

  2. The readers have spoken about talking text
    The other day we put up a poll asking if readers would like the 'Listen to this article' feature to continue. It was something that we had been testing for the past month or so. The poll results were clear and emphatic.

  3. Helium One Discount placing statement & share price action this week stink
    Well knock me down with a frigging feather. As flagged up in bearcast yesterday, Helium One (HE1) has undertaken a placing raising £4.7 million at 1.5p. As the prior placing around Christmas was at just 0.25p one should give praise where praise is due to CEO Lorna Blaisse but with respect to Lorna the statement stinks.

  4. BREAKING: Versarien: After 11 months doing nothing for £21,000 a month, disgraced, greedy fat bastard Neill Ricketts demands even more money
    The breaking news today is that Neill Ricketts, the man who must take the credit for Versarien (VRS) shares plunging from 200p at peak ramp to just 0.15p today has filed a series of legal claims against the company demanding even more money. Words almost fail me.

  5. Boatman Capital, Cathal Friel & Evil Banksta the latest speakers announced for Sharestock on September 7
    It is still 226 days away but preparations for THE investor event of the year, ShareStock, are well underway with the first seven main stage speakers, the Welsh choir and Chef Vijay already booked in. You can now book your place at my 1650 built home on the banks of the river Dee HERE

  6. NightCap tell us what happened at Barrio Watford as you contemplate insolvency within weeks?
    On 12 September 2022 Sarah Willingham and her NightCap (NGHT) chain issued an RNS “Barrio Familia Group Watford Opening”

  7. The View From The Montana Log-Cabin As Gold Continues To Go Nowhere
    I am becoming increasingly convinced that Gold is preparing for its long-awaited breakout. This week Gold closed at $2,040, up on last week’s $2,019 in the face of economic data which should have put the wind up Gold bulls. It is almost as if the market “knows” something, even if the yellow stuff is effectively going nowhere, for it is range-trading.

  8. Utterly disgraceful ReNeuron Group: £5m spunked in 4 months, shares suspended pending clarification - £8m spaffed by Welsh Government
    On November 8 Reneuron (RENE) said that it had £5.1 million in the bank as at 30 September, a cash runway until April this year and that ”the outlook for the business remained positive provided it could retain its' highly dedicated team of scientists, further develop and verify the CustomEX™ exosome delivery platform and conclude validating industry partnerships.” Today the shares have been suspended pending clarification.

  9. The ShareProphets Sunday Pub Quiz #226
    It's time for the ShareProphets Sunday Pub Quiz.. There are no prizes! And remember, no Googling!

  10. So farewell then
    A kind reader points out that disgraced share tipster Old Mother Walters, Mike to his good pal jailbird Asil Nadir, has shut down his share tipping website. Oh dear, Oh Dear, as Mike, once of the Daily Mail, would have said when yet another of his disastrous share tips crashed, burned and 'fessed up that it was a fraud or was nailed by a regulator.

The most-listened to Bearcasts this week were:

  1. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: In detail why Novacyt and Avacta are both shorts
    I explain why Novacyt (NCYT) is a zero and Avacta (AVCT) is not a zero but at two levels is a short. I also discuss how companies pretend that the cost of an acquisition is less than its true cost ref Novacyt and also Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX). And I have updates on Sharestock 2024, more details and ticket booking can be found HERE. 

  2. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Skinbiotherapeutics does not impress this shareholder with its dissembling Dermatonics trading statement
    I start with Wales and how not to make it richer. Then I look at Dave Lenigas run Pennpetro (PPP), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Helium One (HE1), Futura Medical (FUM) and Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX).

  3. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The Barratt Redrow merger impresses me less than the chutzpah of Neill Ricketts
    This is recorded early as I head off on a road trip supporting my daughter's sport. After discussing that I cover: Barratt (BDEV), Redrow (RDW), PZ Cussons (PZC), Vast Resources (VAST), Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) and Vin Murria on buy and build, Verditek (VDTK) and Versarien (VRS) and the shameful greed of Neill Ricketts.

  4. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Xtract, its balance sheet is not real and it must be doing a placing soon?
    In today's podcast I discuss, at length, Dispensa (DISP) and the other three worthless companies in that stable with reference to intangible assets. I then move to Colin Bird's Xtract Resources (XTR) which is, I reckon, running on vapours and whose balance sheet is also, almost entirely, intangibles.. Then there is Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) and another RNS that stinks, Kefi (KEFI), chat to 'arry as folks plague me and Ben's Creek (BEN) and why it is a zero. 

  5. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice! Lessons from Bidstack and is Ben's Creek a zero?
    I end with apple trees, I start with lessons from Bidstack (BIDS). Then it is World Chess (CHSS), Bushveld Minerals (BMN), Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD), Regtech Open (RTOP), Zamaz (ZAMZ) and Ben's Creek (BEN)

  6. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Anavio will not believe its luck as worthless Canadian Overseas shares zoom ahead by 117%
    I start with a Cambridge University sports report and an apology to a reader who feels chastised. Then it is on to Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL), Regtech Open (RTOP) , Eight Capital Partners (ECP), Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD) and Dispensa (DISP), Strategic Minerals (SML), DS Smith (SMDS) and Revolution Beauty (REVB)

  7. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: AIM can be rescued and here is how
    With fewer companies than at any point since November 2003 some think AIM is doomed. It is not. Here is how to rescue it. There is also an update on the most famous underpants of WW2.
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