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Shit of the Year, Dominic Barretto as you enjoy your nefarious gains this Christmas think about this poor sap you have duped & his daughter’s unfunded wedding

By Tom Winnifrith | Monday 18 December 2023

Disclosure: I have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from ShareProphets). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

I pointed out earlier how PR spinners for Canadian Overseas (COPL) banked vast fees, nefarious gains, for crafting defamatory releases smearing me to defend their client. As the turd polisher in chief, loathsome morally bankrupt Dominic Barretto, plans a luxury Christmas he might, for a second, think about the pain of those who believed the manifestly dishonest releases he pumped out. From the LSE Asylum at 7.33 AM today:

Daughters wedding fund

I sunk everything I had into this share a while ago, monies earned, and more. Whole daughters wedding fund, my only thing is I have a small bit of equity in my house but that won't cover it, she gets married in March, all has to be covered in 7 weeks time.

I can't tell her so I will just have to try and sort something, saving grace is when I go I have a couple of insurance policies. Aim has been a complete nightmare for me, its been like a drug with money I have had, and I believe people need help, I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, but have really been caught up over the years in so many bad shares, and these liars line there pockets and get away scott free.

Absolutely gutted, and I know there will be other people caught up in this. All I can say is Merry Xmas and hope no one does anything stupid.

Good by and good luck.


Yes this guy was dumb and he ignored the warnings here and no doubt accused me of being short and not knowing what I was talking about. But in doing so he was egged on by releases and podcasts from the company with a media strategy driven by Barretto’s Yellow Jersey PR. That is Barretto who insisted that Jimmlyliar Ellerton of Sefton suing me for libel showed I was a bad guy. Its lucky the High Court judge thought otherwise.

I feel sorry for this chap. Do you think Barretto has any regrets?
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