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Notes from Underground – Most read articles for the week ending 6 May

By Darren Atwater | Sunday 7 May 2023


The Pub Quiz was number one once again week, and that's still very satisfying. It's probably because there was problem with the quiz last week and people kept trying over and over, but I'll take the win. The most read non-Quiz, non-Tom article last week was is welcome return by Malcolm Stacey, Here Are my Three Favourites in the Race for a Higher Share Price, at No 2 or No 2 including Bearcasts.

The most read ShareProphets stories this week were:

  1. The ShareProphets Sunday Pub Quiz #186
    It's time for the ShareProphets Sunday Pub Quiz.. There are no prizes! And remember, no Googling!

  2. Here Are my Three Favourites in the Race for a Higher Share Price.
    Hello Share Callers. As the British market’s still closed for the bank holiday, allow me to tell you about the three old favourites I hold that I’m most optimistic about…

  3. Pebble Beach Systems – 2022 results, “continuing the progress being made” - BUY
    Technology for the broadcast and streaming service markets group Pebble Beach Systems (PEB) has announced results for the 2022 calendar year and that it looks forward to continuing the progress being made.

  4. DEADLINE EXTENDED: Prize Competition: The Cliff Weight Appreciation six of the best shorting contest
    In the bad old days ShareSoc was run by a fellow who read about a German short seller planting a bomb and concluded that this was a sign of the desperate measures we beards might undertake to satisfy our vile greed. Bears bad – Globo good. These days Cliff Weight is in charge and he is far more enlightened and based on a 2021 portfolio he ran , we have a new prize contest ( prize 500 ml of Greek Hovel 2023 olive oil). Readers SIX OF THE BEST means a portfolio of SIX NOT FIVE, HINT IS IN TITLE!

  5. Fox Marble – Eco Buildings Group reverse takeover, eventually, moving ahead - STRONG BUY
    Fox Marble (FOX) has, eventually, announced further details of its proposed Eco Buildings Group reverse takeover along with a proposed further £2.7 million of equity issuance at 55p per share. Exciting times ahead?

  6. I almost fell for the scammers pretending to be Barclays
    Looking back on this I was a bit of a prize chump. But unlike the Mrs who handed over her bank details to some phone scammers a few years ago allowing them to clean out her account, I did not fall for it. I am a chump for not spotting this one straight away.

  7. The View From The Montana Log-Cabin As Gold Toils
    Gold finished the week at $1991 – marginally up from last week’s $1984, but still below $2000. It did get over that mark, but couldn’t sustain it. I sense it is just a matter of time before we see the all-time high challenged…..but it hasn’t happened yet.

  8. Bluebird Merchant Ventures, 10 million share trade reversed – an admission of insider dealing?
    I flagged up HERE that shortly before disappointing news from Korea a block of 10 million shares in Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV) went through at below market prices. We know, thanks to a TR1, that the seller was Southern Gold and I know, thanks to a party close to the company, that its executives had been made insiders. Now the trade has been reversed. Surely that is an admission of guilt?

  9. BREAKING: TruSpine – Mortgages Itself, But What Is The Security As Things Go From Bad To Worse
    Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. If you thought things were bad at Aquis-lobster-potted TruSpine (TSP) they seem to have got a whole lot worse. Quite apart from the sack-the-board EGM Requisition, it now appears that the company has mortgaged itself up to the hilt – including its intellectual property…….but I might have bad news on that front. Oh, and it is Ouzo time once again as the company finally admitted that its would-be funder announced back in January with £200,000 available immediately isn’t funding it after all. Again. There's a surprise......not!

  10. Plant Health Care – 2022 results, is “frustrated” by the share price performance justified?
    Provider of biological products to enhance farming, Plant Health Care (PHC) states that it “is pleased to announce its results for the year ended 31 December 2022… revenue up 40% to $11.8m… on track to deliver long-term targeted revenue, cash breakeven and profitability”. So what of a current share price of 9.5p, down 18%, despite the announcement including that already “the board is frustrated that the company's share price performance does not reflect the positive progress in the delivery of its strategy”?

The most-listened to Bearcasts this week were:

  1. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: It's oooooooooooooooooooo-uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuzo time!
    In today's podcast i start with a few words on the Wrexham victory parade then discuss Versarien (VRS), Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Mirriad Advertising (MIRI), Braveheart (BRH), Solgenics (SGN), Tern (TERN) and UK Oil & Gas (UKOG).

  2. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: By Jove I reckon Malcolm Stacey may be right about something
    I start with bad weather news from Wrexham, then consider international workers day and how experts change their minds. Then onto Malcolm's three top picks outlined earlier. I dismiss two but the third really might be a winner. What am I missing regarding City of London Investment Group (CLIG)?

  3. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The numbers from Lenigas run PennPetro stink, it is near as damn it bust but covering that up with changed year end
    First up I have extended the deadline to enter our latest prize contest to 7 AM tomorrow - please do enter HERE. The I make a plea to Brian Kinane and then look at Chesterfield (CHF), Wildcat (WCAT), the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) then, in detail, the latest David Lenigas promote PennPetro (PPP). Finally the get out of jail card that stinks of cover-up at Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV).

  4. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Being flamed on Twitter by Trans activists, what a nightmare
    Okay I lied about doing a training walk today for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. I offer two excuses and will do an extra two miles tomorrow. Please do donate HERE. Then I discuss why you should never mention anything critical of transgender folk or even, as did I, ask a question, as you will be flamed all day as I have been. Then I discuss Versarien (VRS), Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and the morons who own the shares.

  5. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: sheer madness
    In today's Bearcast I discuss: Aptamer (APTA), Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Tintra (TNT), Versarien (VRS), Advanced Oncotherrapy (AVO) and Colin Bird's Bezant Resources (BZT).

  6. Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: May the 4th be with you - was and is Versarien a fraud or just a pointless company?
    On Star Wars Day I look in detail at whether Versarien (VRS) is or was a fraud or just a pointless & worthless AIM sewer penny share promote?

  7. Tom Winnifrith Main Bearcast: The 4th May not be with Argo BlockchainI am still celebrating Star Wars Day and discuss Tintra (TNT), Argo Blockchain (ARB), Deepverge (DVRG), Microsaic (MSYS), the madness at Msman Oil & Gas (MSMN) and the black hole at Bidstack (BIDS), hence its delayed results
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