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Notes from Underground – Most read articles for the week ending 25 Mar 2023

By Darren Atwater | Sunday 26 March 2023


The most-read non-Tom non-Quiz article this week is Jadestone continues to grow and barring an oil price crash will do well longer term - buy by Gary Newman at No 1 or No 5 including Bearcasts.

The most read ShareProphets stories this week were:

  1. Jadestone continues to grow and barring an oil price crash will do well longer term - buy
    Jadestone Energy (JSE) is a company that I’ve been keen on for a few years now, due to its track record of making good acquisitions and having built the company into a decent sized oil and gas producer.

  2. In spite of the bad taste left by the blatant insider trading around the Woodbois placing: BUY
    It seems to be ‘dodgy placing’ season on the lower end of AIM at the moment, and they don’t come any worse than the recent Woodbois (WBI) fundraise where the law was broken at least once, and most likely multiple times!

  3. The ShareProphets Sunday Pub Quiz #180
    It's time for the ShareProphets Sunday Pub Quiz.. There are no prizes!  And remember, no Googling! 

  4. Morally bankrupt old man Alan Green & Justin the Clown blow off Neill Ricketts, taken down only by “character assassination”
    This is a hoot. Old Greenie and the Clown discuss Versarien (VRS) and why it is such a hot investment. Alan Green should be cold shouldered by all for being such a deceitful scumbag and worse.

  5. Oxford Nanopore – is this low growth cash guzzler really worth £1.45 billion? Dismal results posted!
    Its association with Neil Woodford and its constant hyping, no rather sordid slavering adulation, by the deadwood press always lead me to treat Oxford Nanopore (ONT) with real suspicion. Institutional investors bundled in at 425p in its September 2021 IPO. Today the shares are just 176p but piss poor results suggest even that valuation is mighty generous.

  6. The fallen mighty: Two drunks propping each other up, Nomad and broker Cenkos merges with Finncap
    It’s all an all share merger of equals, each side getting 50% of the enlarged equity, with every Cenkos shareholder getting 3.19420647 New FinnCap Shares for every one Cenkos held. A marriage of equals you say? That is to say two businesses that have been equally disastrous investments. Merge two bad companies and what do you get?

  7. Canadian Overseas secures new financing – almost certainly a death spiral but it deceives
    Doesn’t the FCA have rules that cover this? If not it should but I suspect it does and if its staff can take a few minutes out from reading ESG porn they should force Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) to ‘fess up to how it is, again, deceiving investors regarding today’s additional financing.

  8. DS Smith – Q3 update, a continuing to trade well Buy
    Packaging company DS Smith (SMDS) has issued a Q3 trading statement including that “the positive trends in profitability experienced in H1 have continued” and “positions us well for the remainder of the year and into our next financial year”. So what of a recently falling share price?

  9. Office Helpmate Restore should Restore its Share Price Given Latest Upbeat Numbers
    Hello Share Collectors. There are many companies that do boring stuff. And, as share shifters who like a bit of exciting action, we can be tempted to ignore them. But there’s nothing boring about a share that rises in value. And perhaps such a happy happening might reward Restore (RST).

  10. The View From The Montana Log-Cabin As The Blue Touch Paper Is Lit and Now Credit Suisse Keels Over
    Gold finished the week at $1989 – well up on last week’s $1868 and the highest point since around this time last year. It looks like a breakout, it feels like a breakout and the next few sessions will be very interesting.

The most-listened to Bearcasts this week were:

  1. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Time for Eurasia to come clean on cash crisis, lack of bid and placing situation In today's podcast I look at Optibiotix (OPTI), Eurasia Mining (EUA), Jubilee Metals (JLP), Caracal Gold (GCAT), British Honey (BHC), Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL), Genedrive (GDR) and Oxford Nanopore (ONT)

  2. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: PILOW talk In today's podcast I discuss PILOWs and Agriterra (AGTA), Jubilee Metals (JLP), Zak Mir's Lift Global Ventures (JOKE) and Versarien (VRS), and Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI). I also mention my second training walk for Woodlarks on Saturday as described HERE. Please consider how I suffered tedium if not pain and donate to this great cause. So far just 4 of you have donated, I am sure more of you can afford a tenner. Please donate HERE

  3. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: could the US regional banks implode & why hasn't Sharon White been sacked by John Lewis? I start with a discussion on share buybacks, then turn to the woes of John Lewis and finally look at the US regionals with the charts below wondering whether the banking crisis could, notwithstanding UBS buying Credit Suisse, roll on.

  4. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I just don't understand what Malcolm sees in Blackbird? I start with more ranting about Beechwood Nurseries. Then it is on to: Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) - more blood pressure issues - the Silverwood (SLWD), VSA (VSA), Andrew Monk and  Lush scandal, Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT) MGC Pharmaceutics (MXC), Fevertree (FEVR) and then Malcolm's strange love affair with Blackbird (BIRD) which I cannot fathom at all.  

  5. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The next Prime Minister gives a kiss of death to Ceres Power Tomorrow is my third training walk for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. I am targeting 11 miles and will post a picture of the service station on the Wrexham roundabout which is my turnaround point if we can get donations well above £1,000 before I leave. I can't say fairer than that, please donate HERE. In today's podcast I discuss Deutsche Bank ( the next Credit Suisse?), the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME), nanosynth (NNN), Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Ceres Power (CWR), Genflow Biosciences (GENF) and Celadon Pharmaceuticals (CEL) and lock in expiries in a thin market.

  6. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: And today's big new shorting idea is...Celadon Pharmaceuticals I start with a grumpy old man rant about standards in public and corporate life covering a lying Boris, Wildcat (WCAT) and Osirium (OSI) before moving onto the missing £20 million and the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME). I cover Amigo (AMGO), Versarien (VRS) and the liquidity trap, Inland (INL), Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) before I turn my fire on Celadon (CEL). Finally I urge you to donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks as I outline my third training walk on Saturday. C'mon you can afford a tenner HERE

  7. Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: is Inland totally 100% fecked? I managed my 11 mile training walk for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. Actually I reckon it was twelve. Anyhow I am back and weeding the strawberries. No rest for the wicked. If you sense the pain in my legs please donate to this great cause HERE. Then I discuss Inland (INL) and more red flags. It is either the cheapest stock on the market or a zero and I know what my money is on. 
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