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ShareStock – Final Main stage speaker announced: gold guru Peter Hambro

By Tom Winnifrith | Sunday 24 July 2022

Disclosure: I own shares in one or more of the stocks mentioned. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from ShareProphets). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

I indicated a week or so ago that I was bored by gold’s failure to run higher. Maybe that was a buy signal, as it has, since then, gone up! Is gold a barbarous relic or will it zoom as chaos descends on the West? Peter Hambro has been involved in gold for 50 years - if anyone knows, he knows.

And Peter has kindly agreed to come to Sharestock for a main stage chat with me on gold and gold stocks. We will also touch on Petropavlovsk, a company he founded and took to the FTSE 250, before others took it into administration.

And if you want an informal chat with Peter or any of the other big name speakers, including Gabriel Grego, Boatman Capital, Lucian Miers, Chris Bailey, me, or the CEOs presenting - including Steve O'Hara of Optibiotix (OPTI) - you can just sit down with them in the drinks tent and ask whatever you want. That is the unique and relaxed nature of Sharestock.


More than 40% of the seats are now reserved for this one day gathering. As well as listening and chatting to the speakers, you can, if you want, fish for salmon in the Dee, take part in a prize croquet contest or just enjoy unlimited drink and locally produced food.

The date is September 10.

I do not know how many will attend. It might be 75. It might be up to 150. Though certainly no more. Sharestock is meant to be small, exclusive and relaxed. But also, informative and fun!

This is a unique chance, not only to hear successful short sellers and fraud exposers, but to mingle with them all day, perhaps over a pizza, fizz, or homemade lavender cordial.

If you'd like to attend the Sharestock festival, tickets can be purchased for £99 - or £160 for two - HERE.

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