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Julie Meyer MBE plumbs new depths - tweeting about the suicide of the mother of the journalist who has exposed her crimes

By Tom Winnifrith | Thursday 17 March 2022


46 years ago my mother killed herself. I do not hide the fact and yes it is an event that saddens me. But I do not expose folks like Julie Meyer, who has fled Britain to avoid a six month jail term, owes taxes all over the world and is the subject of an FCA Criminal investigation because of what happened in on Oxford hospital in 1976 but because folks like Julie Meyer should be exposed. The tweet below ike others were Meyer incites the mob with talk of terrorism has been reported to twitter but nothing will be done.

Suicide is awful. I was reading a family paper I unearthed yesterday  along with a letter from one hero of mine, Paddy Leigh Fermor, to another, my Dad, about what would be the 5th member of my wider family (a very large group indeed) to have taken their own life  since 1850.  Another sad tale and a waste of a life, this time in Co Donegal back in the 1800s. I will relay that tale at some point.

As for Ms Meyer … words fail me. I assume this is the way MBE’s behave towards journalists who investigate them.

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