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DEADLINE: 6:59am Thurs 2nd Jan: ShareProphets readers tips for 2020 competition - ENTER HERE

By Steve Moore | Wednesday 1 January 2020


As who will win the 2019 ShareProphets readers tips competition falls – the results revealed on this website on 1st January 2020, the 2020 competition is now launched. The prize is 1/2 litre of Tom Winnifrith's Greek Hovel olive oil (2020 harvest). To enter, just put in the Comments to this article - on a once per username basis - one buy & one sell pick from the LSE or AIM Casino (with the stocks not to be suspended at the commencement of 2020). Entry closes & prices (buys offer price and performance measured to bid price and sells vice-versa) are taken from before the RNSs start at 7am on Thursday 2nd January. Steve Moore will again report back monthly on how the competition is progressing. Good luck all...

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Time left: 10:10:43