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Julie Meyer - my response to fascist lawyers letter, time for me to go to the North Wales Police

By Tom Winnifrith | Thursday 13 June 2019


Julie "lingerie on expenses" Meyer's 30th firm of lawyers, Tweeds, sent me a fascist lawyers letter 13 days ago as you can see HERE.  I have ,today, responded. If they were expecting a climbdown they will be disappointed.  My letter to lawyer Peter Mcgrath follows:

Dear Sir 

I am not John Galt or Henry Gewanter and suggest you address them directly. As such I respond to only points, 4,5 & 6.
Your client is an MBE and former Government advisor. I am an investigative journalist praised, inter alia, for my pioneering work in exposing Neil Woodford and by regulators for exposing the biggest fraud in AIM's history, see links below.   

Your client's flagship company Ariadne Capital went bust owing millions having said, only weeks earlier as it tried to raise money, that it was trading strongly and had massive asset backing. The administrators report was scathing about your client's behaviour as the sole director. The Insolvency Service this week confirmed that the FCA criminal investigation into your client continues.
As such, as an investigative journalist it is my job to examine spurious expense claims, vast unpaid taxes and other matters.relating to Julie Meyer and Ariadne Capital Group.
Your client has sent defamatory emails and tweets and posted LinkedIn articles accusing me, inter alia, of being a fraudster, stating that I was going to jail soon as a result of that fraud, of being investigated by the SEC and much else. As such I view your letter as part of a sustained campaign of harassment.
The nature of my work sees me provide information to and correspond with various regulators on a very regular basis.  I thus regard your letter as an attempt to stop me doing this where there is an ongoing criminal enquiry and as such can be viewed as part of a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and thus I shall be referring you and your client to the North Wales Police.
Best wishes
Tom Winnifrith.  
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