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Another Winnileaks scoop - Is Julie Meyer down to her last £500 or is she lying to the taxman?

By Tom Winnifrith | Monday 21 May 2018


As we saw earlier Julie Meyer MBE appears to have forgotten to pay any tax on the Capital Gain she enjoyed when selling First Tuesday 18 years ago. Sadly for her the US tax authorities at the IRS have caught up with the devoutly christian tax avoider but are not demanding all their cash at once because it appears that poor Julie really is flat broke. Thanks to Winnileaks I bring you a filing Julie made to the IRS.

Read down. Ms Meyer has apparently only got £500 in the bank. It is quite amazing then that she can afford expensive lawyers at Farrer & Co to act for her personally if she really is down to her last monkey.

But that is what she told the IRS and she wouldn't be lying to the tax man would she?

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