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EXPOSE: Julie Meyer's begging letters to the IRS about her unpaid First Tuesday tax from 2000 - offers payment plan, assets now under lien

By Tom Winnifrith | Monday 21 May 2018


Oh dear. Two grovelling letters from tax evading Julie Meyer have come to me via Winnileaks. It seems that her US assets ( 2 flats) are now under lien to the taxman (the IRS) as Julie forgot to pay any Capital Gains Tax on the sale of First Tuesday in 2000. She is now begging for a payment plan.

In letter one - January 2018 -  she says she can't afford to pay anything as she has no income. But that did not seem to wash so by letter two (March 2018) she explains that she "takes advances against a director account" from Ariadne Malta.  That sounds like a director loan which is - in Malta - illegal. She then proposes a payment plan based in part of a plan to sub let part of the London flat that she does not own via AirBnB. POresumably her landlords are okay with this sublet?

And this is not her only liability as - thanks to Winnileaks - I shall demonstrate over the coming days. Now I wonder if HMRC knows about the IRS as the Britsih taxman also has an issue or two...  

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Time left: 09:56:33