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The 25 most read exposés ever on ShareProphets

By Darren Atwater | Saturday 27 July 2024

Disclosure: I have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from ShareProphets). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

ShareProphets has been minding the LSE’s business for over ten years. Here are 25 of our most-read exposés on the LSE’s finest PLCs and the sharp minds that run them.

  1. Full expose: Gate Ventures, Gatewang, a China fraud on Aim and a sleazy Tory MP – Tony Baldry (24 April 2015)
    Just when you thought that the AIM casino could not plunge to new depths I now bring you a full expose of the biggest fraud of the year, Gate Ventures (GATE). It involves a series of characters all of whom have been involved in AIM listed frauds before. Shares in Gate must be suspended at once pending a full stewards. 

  2. Emmit – another AIM scandal exposed where Daniel Stewart showed it is not fit for purpose (9 September 2015)
    Emmit PLC (EMT) was booted off the AIM casino in May of this year but said that – notwithstanding a parlous financial position – it hopes to make a comeback once it has completed an RTO. I suggest that it has zero chance of this given the revelations below, revelations which show that its former Nomad Daniel Stewart (DAN) was not fit for purpose. Daniel Stewart deserves a massive censure and fine for the scam it allowed to take place. A scam that has cost investors millions. 

  3. EXPOSE: Chris Cleverley of FRAUD African Potash - how good is your CV really? (18 September 2016)
    Management is critical to any company. So how good is lyin' Chris Cleverley of the fraud African Potash (AFPO) and, until last week, Blenheim Natural Resources (BNR). Supporters say that he is a whizz kid. So let's look at all those companies where he also sites on the board. As at December 2015 he numbered five other current posts and 18 others within the prior five years. a busy chap. But what value did Chris create? This will utterly horrify you. 

  4. Expose: How Jason Drummond & Teathers blew £10,500 of shareholders cash on a "shooting day" at "Downton Abbey" (4 October 2016)
    Pretty soon we will hear the full awful details of the realisable assets at Teathers Financial (TEA) and I fear that we must brace ourselves that it will not be good. The word on the street is that the number could be as low as £100,000. So where did all the money go? This will horrify you.

  5. Video: Tom Winnifrith exposes Neil Woodford back in April 2018 - so far ahead of any other journalist (3 June 2019)
    Neil Woodford, Britain's best known fund manager has seen his empire start to crash and crumble today with a suspension of dealings in his flagship fund. Some in the corrupt deadwood press, like the Mail on Sunday, were still praising Woodford yesterday. Others have turned bearish over the past few months having previoously drunk the cool aid. But for almost two years we have been calling this out as a debacle waiting to happen, you can see our full, and incredibly detailed, coverage HERE. Site Editor Tom Winnifrith gave a keynote address at UK Investor 2018 predicting exactly what would happen and highlighting numerous red flags. You can see that video, now shown to be UK Investor at its finest, below

  6. ReThink – Shock Revelations: The Scandal of Boardroom Options exposed in full (7 January 2014)
    On 17th December recruitment group ReThink (RTG) showed itself as a true posterboy for the AIM Cesspit by issuing a shed load of options which almost cannot but fail to hand free money to the board but the scandal is much worse as I can reveal today.
  7. EXPOSE: Are penny share promoter Chris Akers & a high profile SPAC boss committing market abuse in private chatroom? Company response is to smear critics! (28 April 2021)
    The company is All Active Asset Capital (AAA) a grossly over-ramped and over valued AIM sewer promote when penny share spiv Chris Akers is involved. Soo too is Johnny Mahtani the boss of Media Tech SPAC a murky, newly formed, company backed by Akers planning a stockmarket listing within months. There is a private Telegram group where Akers, Mahtani and others pump the stock. The screenshot below is from yesterday evening.

  8. African Minerals; shareholders lose everything, AIM’s flaws brutally exposed (4 March 2015)
    If ever a case were needed for reform of the Alternative Investment Market then surely the disgraceful downfall of African Minerals (AMI) provides it in spades. Some might argue that the collapse of the iron ore price is behind the total destruction of over £2billion’s worth of shareholder value, but the reality is this merely provided the backdrop as I now reveal.

  9. Darren Winters Stockmarket Charlatan Expose – Part 2 (25 April 2015)
    In a few hours Mr Darren Winters will stand up as a main stage speaker at a marginal investor show in London. Most media organisations will not give him airtime but some are so devoid of principle that they will take his money to allow him to peddle his snake oil.  I explained yesterday why so many of his claims are bogus HERE, now to how he gets folks to part with their cash.

  10. EXPOSED: Chris Cleverly – the serial fraudster trying to buy West Ham (9 September 2021)
    It has been widely reported that lawyer Chris Cleverly is the key London player in PAI, the company that wishes to buy West Ham and that Cleverly, cousin of Tory high flier James, is colourful. As a diehard hammer I put this article outside paywalls so that supporters of the club, the Ferdinand Brothers who back PAI and the current owners are fully aware that Chris Cleverly is more than colourful, he is a serial fraudster and habitual liar. Everything he touches may see him prosper but everyone else gets screwed. I have exposed his frauds over many years, seen off his intimidation of me as an investigative journalist and ensured that his company was booted off London’s AIM Market.

  11. EXCLUSIVE: A 1 billion super scam exposed - we publish the dossier & slideshow on Folli Follie (4 May 2018)
    At this very moment the man who exposed Greek based AIM superstar Globo (GBO) as a total fraud, Gabriele Grego, has just concluded a speech in New York. Ed Croft need not worry, for once the mega scam Gabriele has debagged, is not a stock he has tipped, as he did with Globo. We have the full dossier Gabriele has prepared and it is explosive.

  12. Exclusive: The evidence trail that exposed Daniel Levi (27 July 2015)
    There were many twists and turns in the six week investigation that culminated this morning in The Times’ exposéof Sefton Resources’ (SER) former Executive Chairman, Daniel Levi, as a convicted armed robber. Revealed by Sefton to have kept his former name David John Hopkins a secret, this was the catalyst for the hunt to discover what Levi had been so desperate to hide for so long. Below I share what I can of the evidence that primary research uncovered.

  13. BREAKING: The Bidstack smearer of Tom Winnifrith exposed as a gender fluid contact of James Draper (26 April 2020)
    Yesterday, ShareProphets discussed a defamatory website about, myself, Tom Winnifrith that was put online on Friday and appeared to be the work of a supporter of Bidstack (BIDS), the AIM listed company run by Lyin' James Draper.  We rebutted its clearly spurious allegations and condemned is appeal to anti-semitism. The author of the website claims to be a female investigative journalist. We can reveal that this is a,lie, who the real author is and how he (not she) is trying to hide his links to Lyin' James. 

  14. Rob Terry up to his old tricks at Quob Park - Reader Expose of the Day (26 June 2015)
    Leopards do not change their spots and neither does Rob Terry. His business career shows a consistent pattern of fraud. And now - before he is sent to prison - he is playing with other folk's cash once again  at Quob Park. Congratulations to ShareProphets reader Showtime for this post which explores a bit of what the old crook is up to.

  15. Exclusive Expose: Bill Kelleher’s default on $550,000 yacht debt at the time New World Oil & Gas listed. (5 September 2014)
    In February 2011, just over two months before New World Oil & Gas (NEW) came to market, the Texas Community Bank brought a court action against CEO Bill Kelleher for failing to repay a $585,000 loan. This loan was a mortgage on Mr Kelleher’s private yacht, Neftegaz. With less than a month until Mr Kelleher is due to repay New World whatever he owes the company on the $333,000 he borrowed in March 2013 to participate in that month’s controversial placement, troubling questions have arisen about the state of Mr Kelleher’s finances, the extent to which he disclosed his financial difficulties and how these might have affected corporate decisions at New World. Would British private investors have been prepared to back a company, whose CEO had apparently defaulted on an outstanding $550,000 debt? More to the point what did New World’s Nomad Beaumont Cornish know about this? Surely mention of this live legal action should have been published in the original prospectus?

  16. Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: #BoycottBoohoo, the shameful and unacceptable face of capitalism exposed (31 January 2017)
    I am no fan of Channel 4, Most of its reporting is shocking. But the Dispatches programme today was superb journalism. It exposed (BOO) and to a far lesser extent ASOS (ASC) for the way they treat management. Boohoo was truly shamed. Its management were shown to be shifty and deceitful in their responses to a film footage which showed quite sickening exploitation of workers and indeed law breaking. If I was a customer I'd shut my account down at once. There are legal and financial implications (bad ones) but the biggest will be reputational damage. How will the snowflake generation who are Boohoo customers react? Looker at #BoycottBoohoo on twitter and have a guess. All this is discussed in a bonus podcast.

  17. Eden Research and the Panama Pump fraud from Kenny Boy Brooks Towers exposed in full (8 February 2016)
    I apologise to you all for allowing AIM Casino listed Eden Research (EDEN) off the hook when it engaged in a panama pump fraud with Terpenetech on 24 August 2015 to keep the lights on and stave off bankruptcy. I missed something - the killer evidence. Now lets go with the full story.

  18. UK Oil & Gas and Horse Hill - the most ludicrous pre-placing ramp in the history of AIM exposed (18 April 2016)
    There are two statements from UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) today. One is a hard financial transaction which demonstrates clearly that UK Oil & Gas shares are horrendously overvalued and the other is the most ludicrous attaempt at share ramping in the history of AIM. Defenders of Steve Sanderson, UKOG's CEO, say that he is trying to distance himself from the Aussie share ramper David Lenigas. Frankly even Dave would have struggled to sign off on today's ramping. It is cringe-making and it is noticeable that although it relates to a Horse Hill study, no other Horse Shite company has dared publish these ridiculous claims.

  19. The Scoundrels at FRAUD Strat Aero offer patronising and weedy response to ShareProphets expose: I declare war part 1 (6 August 2016)
    Yesterday I exposed the scoundrels at AIM dog Strat Aero with the publication of a 338 page Texas legal disposition containing emails and other evidence that is damning. Not only does this show that Strat is up to no good and thus faces a very real chance of losing the $20 million claim against it and its officers, but it also casts a light on the sordid goings on on the AIM Cesspit. The Strat response is so offensively bad that it merits a declaration of war from the Sheriff of AIM on this piece of Turkish. Strat, as a PLC, you are a dead man are toast.

  20. The Good News from Oxford Nanopore that exposes the valuation scandal at Woodford (20 March 2018)
    I do hope that the FCA and the "Independent" directors at Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT) look into this matter with some urgency as we appear to have evidence today, thanks to Oxford Nanopore, that Neil Woodford funds have been stating their NAV in an unnacceptably aggressive manner. And that is the most generous spin on what has gone on.

  21. Understanding Accounts from the Man who exposed those of Quindell - new free book offer (6 December 2014)
    Another day and Quindell (QPP) sprints towards the precipice once again. The man who called a Quenron a fraud and worth 0p first was Tom Winnifrith. The fact that he was able to make such a call was down to his understanding of accounts and what to look for. In his best selling e-book, The 49 Golden Rules of Making Money from Shares Tom outlines some of what to look for in any company, the red flag alerts and the plus points as well. And we have 50 more copies of that book to give away today. To get your book sent to you today, just fill in the form below

  22. GOTCHA Andy Carroll: Mosman admits to misleading investors after weekend expose (7 November 2016)
    That was an easy pull down of the shysters at Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN) lead by Andy Carroll. Is it too early for a celebratory ouzo? Perhaps hapless Nomad SP Angel should send a case of ouzo to the Sheriff of AIM to thank me for doing its job for it? At the weekend I exposed how Mosman has mislead investors for more than a year HERE. This morning it fessed up:

  23. Spunk the Mon(k)ey - TrakM8 disaster acquisition exposed - told y'all (12 January 2017)
    It is my birthday today and the TrakM8(TRAK) supporters club of top blogger Paul Scott, crony capitalist PR man Reg Hoare and tech analyst Lorne Daniel of FinnCap need each to order a bottle of ouzo to send me with a note saying "you were right - you is da king". Subsidiary accounts for Route Monkey have finally emerged and are truly diabolical just as I predicted to hoots of derision from the supporters club.

  24. Exclusive Expose; Did Bill Kelleher partially settle the $298,000 he still owed on his defaulted yacht debt with his company stock in January 2014? (8 September 2014)
    On Friday, I revealed the Texas Community Bank’s legal action against New World Oil & Gas (NEW) CEO Bill Kelleher for his apparent default on a $550,000 debt. This was immediately before New World listed on AIM. Mr Kelleher had secured his unpaid loan on his private yacht, Neftegaz. In the original action the Texas Community Bank sought to take possession of Neftegaz, but by January 14th 2014 it seems that Mr Kelleher still owed $298,846.25 of the original debt. On this date the US District Court Southern District of Texas granted an Order for Turnover Relief against Mr Kelleher. It ordered him to “turn over for levy to the Harris County Constable… within ten days… all shares of stock in New World Oil and Gas, PLC, except those that he is restricted from transferring or selling under the terms of the agreement with his employer, cash and securities in bank and safety deposit accounts totalling $298,846.25”. Funnily enough, I can’t find any reference to this court order in an RNS.

  25. Will Panorama credit the folk who exposed Neil Woodford on Monday: here are our top 50 exposes since 2015 (22 October 2019)
    I see that Roger Lawson of ShareSoc is today praising the FT's coverage of Neil Woodford. How sad and predictable that the establishment engages in mutual masturbation rathing than seeking the truth. The FT is the paper that publisshed a blow job interview with Woodford as recently as April 2019. Of course Roger is not mentioning our work in his little read blog posts or praising the folks who called this one out with more than 1000 articles and podcasts since 2015. But I hope that the BBC does recognise who was Woodford's nemesis on Monday. In case it has forgotten here are our 50 most read articles on the ex fund manager
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